Training the hair?


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Apr 5, 2011
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Hey guys, was wondering if some hair geeks could offer me some of their advice, I have a 20month old little girl and she has a head of curls, I have to wash her hair every morning as her hair is stuck to her head and all matted when she wakes in the morning, am I doin the wrong thing?
Someone said to me yesterday that i shouldnt wash it every day as im just training the hair in to needin to be washed every day when she is older, is this correct?
Any help or advice would be really appreciated.
If the hair needs washing, then wash it. My daughter has had a hair wash everyday of her life, bar about 5 days! Yep she's got greasy hair, shes about to hit puberty. I personally think it's an old wives tale, my hair gets greasy after about a day and a half, and I used to wash my hair once a week as a kid.

Do you get her hair trimmed regularly? I suggest with little ones trim every 8-12 weeks, it makes a massive difference, if they don't have regular trims you'll never get rid of the baby hair and that will tangle and matt like anything. Hth x
If you don't want to wash it everyday you could always spray it down with water and jus comb through to un tangle it.

Thanks for the advice girls :)

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