Trolls beware of the Cyber Bullies Part One!


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What a fab and iteresting article, well done and thankyou!! I have usually got a bit muddled up with new fanglled termanology, trolls etc but now I totally understand!!! Thank you!! xxxxxx
What a brilliant thread....I really enjoyed reading this. Thanks.

You know what always amazes me? How do they know that someone has started a thread on their particular subject? For example, we had some nuter trol destroy an interesting thread this year on whther people believe in the spirit world.

How on earth did they see that thread and then join salongeek just to start trouble?
Well Kim, what I believe happens is that they search the internet using certain key words and then go through a list of search results - Salon Geek has a high rating in the internet search engines (such as google,yahoo, ask, live search etc.) a lot of foroums require you to join before posting and hey within a few moments they are a member!!!!

It's funny, another of the reasons I haven't been online much is that I broke my collar bone back in September, it hasn't healed one bit and eventually they will have to pin it, by the end of the night my hand,arm and shoulder aches - now, if I put broken right collar bone, nails used, hand, arm and shoulder aches, in one of the search engines, then I can bet your bottom dollar, that Salon Geek will appear quite near the top of my results!

Many things happen to us in our life but I honestly believe that emotional abuse inflicted, firstly by other people, then because of those people, the way that the emotional abuse makes us feel about ourselves and how we deal with it, can make it be the worst pain ever!

It can make us feel worthless, have no confidence, but in many cases it is the unjustness of the situation that makes us feel the worst!

Honestly it can take you a long time to start to feel better about the situation, but eventually it does become easier - you don't forget but it does become easier :hug:

Thank you all for you lovely comments and like I have said before keep on doing what you do best - whether it be nails, hair or beauty :hug:

You know I’ve come across those cyber bullies - really frustrating and upsetting.
But the worst thing about cyber-bullying is that in some internet communities there are sort of ‘official’ bullies with certain agendas.
Try posting a dissenting opinion, still worse try defending it and you will have them all over you trying to make you doubt your very existence, bulling and mocking you and even assailing you verbally.

The worst thing is that in a couple of similar situation those who call themselves moderators seemed to be virtually non-existent and didn’t react even when I was directly called names!
The biggest thing I appreciate about the www is that it is free and uncensored – meant to be that is – but sometimes I wish there were some moderator’s code and a place you could complain to. It is the worst thing imaginable when moderators pretend not to notice.
On here we have a group of 8 moderators who you can approach directly or if there is a post you are unhappy about then click the red square in the post to report it and all the moderators get sent an email to alert us to a potential problem.

Moderators are: The Geek, Mrs Geek, Geeg, Naturalnails, Valenciannails, Bagpuss, Adelekeegan1, Nailsinlondon1
On here we have a group of 8 moderators who you can approach directly or if there is a post you are unhappy about then click the red square in the post to report it and all the moderators get sent an email to alert us to a potential problem.

Moderators are: The Geek, Mrs Geek, Geeg, Naturalnails, Valenciannails, Bagpuss, Adelekeegan1, Nailsinlondon1

I wasn't writing about this forum. Not at all!

It was just an input - some communities actually use bullying methods to fight dissentors! This is ugly!

I just want people to know that it can happen when on the surface everything is shipshape and regulated and the mods are in place.
And my piece of advice: there's no point posting in those forums at all - it's one thing when you have to deal with one bully but it's totally different when you seem to be up against a team of zombies.
if there is a post you are unhappy about then click the red square in the post to report it
Other communities have that to - I used a similar option in my unhappy experience. And, can you think it? NOTHING happened! The posts remained where they had been and no one received a warning. No one even bothered to reply to me. :mad:

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