Well-Known Member
When my husband was very ill in hospital, I would take in homemade soup in a flask so that he'd get some nourishment.
They knew he was vegetarian but always managed to run out of suitable food by the time they got to him. He's already very skinny naturally and couldn't afford to lose any more weight.
They'd offer him something with meat on and tell him to just ignore the meat. But he wouldn't touch it.
I was so glad to get him home where I could look after him properly.
That sounds quite typical of anywhere in Ireland north or south sadly.
Ive been veggie about 12/13 years and I don't see what business it is of anybody elses. I get more stick for using cloth nappies than I do being veggie - just tell them to shove their opinions where the sun doesn't shine and that you're big enough and ugly enough to make your own choices on what you eat :hug: