No they are not Kate. You are correct.are antibiotics even prescribed for a fungal infection?! I think she is talkin out her backside!
Feel so sorry for you hun,
Let us know how things turn out. And as Geeg says "FILL OUT THOSE RECORD CARDS - IT'S A MUST!!!!!
Good Luck and my thoughts are with you:hug:
i just wanted to quickly reply to this mother in law has a fungal infection in her toe nail nd i refered her to see either her chiropodist or GP to check it was a fungal infection for which she was then refered to her GP with a letter and was then given 2 options for being tablet form which she would have to take for a short while...however there are side effects with this treatment which can cause liver problems. The other was a paint on the nail treatment which she would have to do for 9 months to a year (until the nail had grown out) this being the option she went for as there were no side effects.are antibiotics even prescribed for a fungal infection?! I think she is talkin out her backside!
I always thought they were, oh well, you live and learnNo they are not Kate. You are correct.
Antibiotics are prescribed to treat bacterial infections . Fungal is FUGUS infestation and needs a fungicide.I always thought they were, oh well, you live and learn![]()
Sorry to the original poster but I'm gonna have to hyjack this thread to answer this question.
Hey Judy, the truth is that the Chinese don't actually like to be labelled as a chippie or a resturant either. The reason why there are many chippies and resturant owned by the Chinese is because when the Chinese first came to England in the 60s and 70s, there was not very much else they can do to make a living.
The older generation is not as educated and have a serious language barrier so all they can offer is to open up a shop and cook and serve what they are good at. As a matter of fact, many people didnt even start of as good cooks, some of these people may even be in professional jobs back home but have to put down their dignity to work hard and start all over again in a kitchen.
Which is the reason why that the Chinese puts a lot of pressure on their children to work hard at school. The favourite telling off saying from an older Chinese parent is "study hard or you will end up in a kitchen like us".
So in reality, although you don't hear or see them moaning, most of these Chinese don't enjoy working in these take-away or resturants. It is almost something the Chinese 'look down' on within their own community because they all know working in a resturant is only something you do if you are not good enough to do something else.
As for hiding when nails are mentioned. There really is no need for the Chinese to hide, because the truth is, many of these discount stores are not owned by the Chinese. The Chinese are actually not that big on doing nails ( yet..!). The older generations are still running their resturants and take-aways and the younger generation, after studying hard and graduating from universities, are now doing other professional jobs - banking, IT, doctors, lawyers etc etc..
The people everyone sees in these discounts stores are probably from a different part of the world although some do speak Chinese - In the same way how a French person can also speak English. I think this seems to be the biggest misunderstanding.
I know of a Chinese nail tech who has had proper training, who can speak perfect English, who has a passion for this industry and who certainly does not damage anyone's nails.
She is not in the hiding - she just likes to quietly get on with what she does. :wink2:
thats very interesting too,im learning soooo much from this,its greatNo they are not Kate. You are correct.
yes i agree with that too.i have learnt the correct way to deal with a client like this now so as much as i dont want it to happen again,i will know exactly what to do if it happens again.oh my god, i cant believe this, well i cannot believe she had the cheek to come back after 8 WEEKS and blame on the damage that is clearly an infection. after 8 weeks she should have had at least 3/4 infills. how the hell can she blame you if she came back after so long? she doesnt have a leg to stand on. acetone or buffing is the only thing that will remove acrylic so i think either shes had them done abroad like you say or shes wrecked them by the way shes taken them off. im flabbergasted at this, pleas eod not worry, you handled the situation professional and although it is always good to get a second opinion, by asking her to come back and see the manicurist you've doubted yourself and shes taken advantage of that. good luck with it. you'll probably find that she will not be back to bother you as her solicitor will chase her.