Was left feeling drained after this experience!


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Gosh Becca, would you believe I actually felt earlier on that this thread was going to come back tonight! ! There have been 2 people in the last year, when they said goodbye to me, I said to my husband that I didn't think I would see them again and I didn't and neither of them had been sick. They both died unexpectedly!

Wow that gave me shivers! It's so strange I find it fascinating how in tune some people can be! X
tonicj... I love your threads :) always make me smile when I see your name pop up x

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Ah thank you GlamourEyes11! Needed to hear that right now :wink2:
I've just spent the last two hours reading through this thread! Totally fascinating to me as loads of little things have happened to me over the years. I practice Reiki and my intuition has grown quite strong over the last few years, I often pick up the most random details about people. I don't know if it's a psychic ability or coincidence or what but I don't know how else I would've known that someone had a pet peacock as a child or any of the other interesting things I find out. I often feel my Great Nan around too and she came to see both my mum, sister and me on the day she passed, in the bathroom, but none of us spoke about it till years later. I wish I understood it more though. I too find some people I just can't warm too, I don't necessarily think it's because they have bad energy (although some definitely do) they're just on a different wavelength and our paths are probably not meant to intertwine for long.
I always thought we could all read people like that (within seconds) but it would appear that a lot of people can't and are then surprised later down the line by people's behaviour.

I can't do it online though.

I totally believe we can... That's why when I opened my beauty salon I've called it At First Sight.
For that very reason xx
I totally believe in this too. I swear that my daughter has been on this earth before. As a small child, she spoke and knew of things that she just couldn't have known. Also, when I met my partner, there were so many things that were downright spooky, I didn't dare tell him half of them.

On a more serious note, I have felt (had experiences of "knowing") when people have died. It frightened me to begin with.

On the morning that my mum was passing away my brothers girlfriends baby (my mums grandaughter) was crying all night... From 5.30pm she was unsettled and crying and really upset.... At exactly 4.20am she stopped crying and settled into a deep sleep... At 4.20am was the exact time my mum slipped away!!! Very very chilling hearing that !!
On the morning that my mum was passing away my brothers girlfriends baby (my mums grandaughter) was crying all night... From 5.30pm she was unsettled and crying and really upset.... At exactly 4.20am she stopped crying and settled into a deep sleep... At 4.20am was the exact time my mum slipped away!!! Very very chilling hearing that !!

I think in the nicest way possible, that this story is quite lovely, hope I don't offend you but I mean I see it as maybe your mum went to her granddaughter and settled her as she left, x
Does anybody have an opinion on televised mediums? I went to see Sally Morgan about a year ago, I went wanting to be a sceptic but got completely sucked in and it was a brill night and incredibly emotional on the basis I believed everything but I know so many people really dislike them I'm always questioning what I do believe and don't especially when it comes to things I can't have visible proof either way! X
Bumping this topic up because I've loved reading everyone's stories and there must be more out there! X
Me and the girls in my flats are having a psychic nite on Friday eve!!so excited...although I never have taken readings literally but I'm very open to it all.will keep u posted what she has to say lol
I’m really enjoying reading all the different posts on this thread – so interesting. I’ve had low-level experiences of this kind since I was very young. Every now and again, I get a strong thought, like a loud, confident voice in my head is the best way I can explain it. Anyway, I get ‘told’ all sorts of things – but they are always quite mundane. When I was about 10 years old I remember knowing that the man walking towards me was going to ask me the time, and he did. I also get the thing when you think about someone and the next minute you get a call or a text from them. I’ve only had two experiences though that were what I would consider significant – one was when I was walking to a community event meeting and I was told that the leader had just split up with his partner. When I got to the pub where the meeting was held, I asked him how he was and he said he wasn’t too good as he’s split up with Cathy (her name). The other time was when I was on holiday in Mexico. I was convinced my grandad (mum’s dad) had died. It was actually a good friend of my mum’s – so I got the mum bit right, but not the person!

I used to have regular reiki treatments from a friend. She’s moved away now, but she always told me that I was really ‘sensitive’ and that I should protect myself when doing treatments. Fascinating stuff!
Saw the psychic last nite....she nailed everything to a tee!!and said I was either ready for promotion which won't happen in the salon I'm in as im part time and the manager is the owner,or I will be changing career but in same line of work. I have been looking at college courses to teach beauty but always think I wouldn't be confident enough. I get stress rashes standing doing presentation but I'm fine if I'm sitting with people. I'm so confused but I'm going to have to start making confident decisions and going with it!!a house moves looks on the cards too yaaaay!!
I was 32 weeks pregnant when my baby died and I had 2 years old boy, I had to deliver the baby anyway this was on wednesday it was awful experience but I had to be strong for my 2year old, we didn't tell him anything about that, but on the sunday when he was having bath he said " mum the baby is crying next to you" I was amazed because we didn't say anything to him , we waited one month for the post-mortal results for the funeral and he use to see the baby all the time until the day of the funeral . I believe in life after death always done.
My 'gift' if you like is that I can suss people out the second I meet them and I can tell what they're thinking of me too. I can even do it online. Not to say that I'm always right but who knows.

Wish I could!
Wish I could!
Trouble is that I don't always act on it. Sometimes I'm aware of things that alert me to people not being right but I ignore them and it usually comes back to bite you on the bum.

There is a famous quote:-

“The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
― Maya Angelou

Basically what this means is that when you meet someone; say for example you meet a guy and he say's "You don't want to get involved with me because I'll break your heart'. LISTEN!!!!! He is telling you that he is going to break your heart and when he does, he'll say 'Don't know why you're making such a fuss as I told you what I was like'.

Listen to how people treat other people in their personal life and in business and that will be a good indication of how they'll treat you.

There's an old saying………….'If you want to know what's going to happen in the future, look to the past'.
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Trouble is that I don't always act on it. Sometimes I'm aware of things that alert me to people not being right but I ignore them and it usually comes back to bite you on the bum.

There is a famous quote:-

“The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
― Maya Angelou

Basically what this means is that when you meet someone; say for example you meet a guy and he say's "You don't want to get involved with me because I'll break your heart'. LISTEN!!!!! He is telling you that he is going to break your heart and when he does, he'll say 'Don't know why you're making such a fuss as I told you what I was like'.

Listen to how people treat other people in their personal life and in business and that will be a good indication of how they'll treat you.

There's an old saying………….'If you want to know what's going to happen in the future, look to the past'.

Wise words Kim
Is it because you want to see the best in people, give them the benefit of the doubt? The few times that I have really had a strong gut feeling and decided to ignore it then I have been very sorry x
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Trouble is that I don't always act on it. Sometimes I'm aware of things that alert me to people not being right but I ignore them and it usually comes back to bite you on the bum.

There is a famous quote:-

“The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.”
― Maya Angelou

Basically what this means is that when you meet someone; say for example you meet a guy and he say's "You don't want to get involved with me because I'll break your heart'. LISTEN!!!!! He is telling you that he is going to break your heart and when he does, he'll say 'Don't know why you're making such a fuss as I told you what I was like'.

Listen to how people treat other people in their personal life and in business and that will be a good indication of how they'll treat you.

There's an old saying………….'If you want to know what's going to happen in the future, look to the past'.

I like this. It's so true.
Wise words Kim
Is it because you want to see the best in people, give them the benefit of the doubt? The few times that I have really had a strong gut feeling and decided to ignore it then I have been very sorry x

I say again and again that our gut instincts are there to protect us!
One of my friends who was pregnant got up and realised she hadn't felt the baby move for a few hours. She was due in 2 days too. As she was getting ready her nephew who was 2 said to her get baby gone. She asked him where has baby gone and he replied baby gone. As you've guessed the doctor told her her baby had died.
She believes her nephew knew.
And I believe children know or sense these things.
I believe there are people out there that are gifted. It's these clairvoyants and fortune tellers that I'm really wary off
All these storys of kids knowing things, I believe they do, they are more open to spirits and feelings. My son keeps waking once a week with a "snail" and now a "bee" aswell in his room, hes awake and wont sleep afterwards unless hes in our bed but last night when it happened his monitor had kinda gone off so we couldnt hear him till he was at the door screaming, its kinda freaked me out.
Also My daughter who was 3 at the time told all my family and her dad (my ex) I was having a baby when I mustve been very early stages as I didnt even know till about 2/3 weeks later xx

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I just had the oddest experience. .. I was just finished with a client and had 45 minutes to get to somewhere an hour away... not with a client luckily. .. and I was due to pick someone up also. I webt to get my phone and it wasn't there... I NEVER leave my phone at home... that and my diary are like extra limbs how could I have forgotten it so I had to drive 10 minutes out of my way to go and get it making me even later. I found my phone under a jumper even though I was sure I'd put it in my bag...
I sped off up the road after letting the person know I was coming and then got stuck behind an OAP bus going 20 miles an hour... and the back doors were creating a glare from my headlights whuch was effecting my vision. I couldn't get on to facebook to let everyone know I qas going to be very very late then when I got to a crossroads I seen the bus was going the direction I was and I had this overwhelming feeling of turn the other wau so I did and I was just blatantly I'm not going. I pulled over to consider for a minute and had a dull ache in my head as if I had banged it like I would in a crash it was so weird..
Then I sent my messages and headed to my gdads but I passed the fuel garage where I seen my partners cousin who I knew he'd been out with so I thought I'll go home and ley him know I'm ok just as I thought it he text me making sure I was ok.... he's had a bad feeling about it all along... oh and my petrol light came on

Talk about the universe not letting me go... home now and not moving!

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