Waxing at College and skin conditions


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Nov 25, 2022
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I am seeking some advicešŸ˜³I have been told I HAVE to have waxing at college and that their is no reason good enough not to have this. I suffer from skin conditions and pain affects me worse than the average person. Waxing is something I have steered well clear of my entire life and Iā€™m now 34 and returned to college and in danger of losing my space on the course because of the chaos this has caused. I have been in disagreements with the lecturers and now the head of year all saying I have no reason strong enough not to have full waxing completed on my body. I am in turmoil. I get dreadful cysts under my arms which rupture and bleed and I am highly concerned that anywhere else that I receive a wax against my will will have the similar outcome as my skin is not good at the moment. I have no issues bringing a model and none performing any of it the issue is receiving it all on myself. What rights do I have as people say donā€™t do what your not comfortable but Iā€™m actually being pushed into this at the risk of losing my place on my course and I know I will suffer repercussions for it. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.Iā€™ve been in a meeting with the head who turned round and saidninws defensive and aggressive which couldnā€™t be further from who I am as a person no one has ever told me that- Iā€™m a bit exhausted with saying no to this and no one listening. Thanks everyone xx

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