Interesting point to consider here which is pertinent to all our businesses.
In the main people do not value something which is given away FOC. How does this translate to our businesses? If you give something away free with a treatment, e.g. BOGOF, free solar oil with your first set of enhancements, free body pack with a tan etc, people will rarely place a value on it; "it can't be that valuable; they gave it to me for free"
Maybe it's better to give a money off deal, rather than a freebie?
Re: this DVD. As tempting as it may be, naming and shaming isn't a viable option. You can bet your bottom dollar that the kind of person who deliberately keeps the DVD won't give two hoots that they're accused of not playing by the rules, and will insist on passing the blame to the Royal Mail. And of course you run the risk of mortally offending the poor person who really
has sent it on and has genuinely fallen foul of our occasionally appalling postal service.
How would I arrange this? Frankly, I wouldn't, unless I was prepared to lose the DVD somewhere along the way, and then see it on eBay a couple of weeks later.
Cynical? Moi?