Oh..........Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for all your good wishes and kind words...........It really does mean the world to me.
Well, my car (hee hee, love it), picked me up at 9.20pm and drove me to the BBC studios in London. I was met by the shows producer who took me upstairs to where the various studios are. She casually slipped in that an editor from Mens Health Magazine would be joining in the discussion to put his views against male waxing (gulp). My heart sank and my head became a blur with HABIA guidelines, BABTAC, contra indications etc, etc, but of course he didn't mention any of those.
Talk about cut it fine, they literally lead you into the live studio, just as you're about to speak, sit you down, headphones on and I was on air. It all passed by in a flash and it was a great experience.
Earlier on in the evening, I had another call from the BBC asking me to go on another show last night, not realising that I was already on BBC Five Live. I can't believe it.