What acrylic system to use?


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Dec 3, 2016
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New Jersey
I'm not a nail tech yet, but I am planning on training and getting certified as soon as I finish college this semester. I love doing nails but money is tight while I'm in school so I can't afford taking classes just yet. However, I am trying to practice as much as I possibly can while I'm waiting so I can be prepared for when I do start. I've been practicing mainly on myself and I have a few friends who allow me to do their nails.

I want to learn how to do both acrylic and hard gel extensions. I'm pretty proud of my ability with acrylic right now (although I know it's nowhere near professional quality yet) and I'm still practicing with hard gels as I seem to struggle with gel more than acrylic. I've been using Diva DC hard gels and Nailite Omega arylic. I like both just fine, but I want to experiment with more brands to see if there's something I like more than what I'm currently using. I was thinking of trying out Light Elegance's hard gels but I'm thrown by how much it would cost to ship because I live in the US (New Jersey). I've also heard amazing things CJP's acrylic line but I don't believe they ship to the US. So, essentially, I'm looking for acrylic and hard gel line recommendations that I'll be able to get in the US. Any help is appreciated!
I'd say your enthusiasm is great, however by practising without any prior training, you're just going to get into bad habits which will make training SO much harder- believe me, I tried the same. I spent the majority of the week long acrylic course I was on fighting against my bad habits I'd picked up that I wasn't able to put as much effort and therefore had less time to practise properly.. I'm still struggling to stop my bad habits, and I finished my course six months ago. I now see the error of my over eager ways! Rather than practise, why not make sure you know all the anatomy and health and safety side of it? All the terminology, contra-indications and so forth, the "boring" but necessary stuff that will make it a breeze when you can eventually do a course!

As for systems, depending on what course you do might impact that as you may be beholden to whatever system the course teaches. But doing your research and learning about the pros and cons of different systems and products by actually having a professional treatment done on yourself you can start understanding that.. and you get to justify going to salons to get your nails done! X

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