What are you reading at the moment


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I am just rereading the Avalon set of books by marian Bradley all to do with Camelot and King arthur and i goes backa nd forth in time accordign to which book your reading, 5 in the set. Treated myself to them last xmas lol.

Have read all the Dan brown ones as well loved them adn the Alchemist, just give em a book anytime im a bookworm would rather read than watch tv.
Rachel Mary said:
I love books that are a series or trilogies. You really get to know the characters. And I really hate it when a good book ends!!

I know what you mean, and when you get to the very last book you hope the writer has finished another one! lol

Take care xx
you guys have way too much time on your hands....only time i read is on a sunbed...with a beer in hand on me holidays!!!

amb x
Are you saying we are boring!! Lol!!!
Rachel Mary said:
Are you saying we are boring!! Lol!!!

no no no !!! just saying i have zip time to read ! i wish i did i love it when i go away can NEVER put the books down !

amb xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i dont read books very often but if i do i usually go for true stories, i have just finished reading a book that was written by the son of peter sutcliffs (jack the ripper) first victim, cant remember the name of the book now :irked:

i would like to read the book someone mentioned about the nuns

aaaah Amber, to have such a busy social life!! and work life!! I am jealous. I look after the kidlets and lose myself in a book to block out the screaming!! Lol. :Love:
stanleyann said:
i dont read books very often but if i do i usually go for true stories, i have just finished reading a book that was written by the son of peter sutcliffs (jack the ripper) first victim, cant remember the name of the book now :irked:

i would like to read the book someone mentioned about the nuns


i have this book its called just a boy i think. its very interesting. and i have read sara paynes book as well which made me cry
I love zane books she is a great writer.they are mostly erotic books not for the faint at heart.and u can give me suspense also.
Florentina Alexander
[email protected]
NAils At Last
Rachel Mary said:
Hi Everyone
What are you all reading at the moment?? I love Fantasy Books by authors like David Eddings, Isabel Carmody, Louise cooper and stacks more. What is your taste in books!???

Hi ya, I love fantasy books to, my fav auther at the mo is Tanya Huff, she has a wonderful turn of phrase that just creases me. i.e. I heard my friend arrive she was parking by brail.

Susie. x
harvey said:
Rachel sushi for beginners is fab i have read it a few times, I love marian keyes books

And do you mean the lovely bones? I think its by alice seebold and thats great as well!

I absolutely loved the lovely bones, its fantastic and i would recommend it to everyone. i done really get time to read but i can make exceptions for harry potter, im so sad that the next one is the last x x
holliejayne said:
I absolutely loved the lovely bones, its fantastic and i would recommend it to everyone. i done really get time to read but i can make exceptions for harry potter, im so sad that the next one is the last x x

I love the Harry Potter books too. I have recently read the Chronicals of Narnia and really enjoyed them too!
The Chronicles of Narnia are fantastic. I remember reading them in Primary School. (I was an advanced reader!) I cannot wait to take my kids to see the movie so I can watch them love it too.
I've just read a trilogy by Bernard Cornwell,(the guy who wrote Sharpe)
They were Vagabond, Heretic and Harlequin. Brilliant books about an archer called Thomas of Hookton, who ends up looking for the holy grail.
Last night I started re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee, which I read at school all of 17 years ago!
I'm a real bookworm and won't put a book down when I'm into it.
I read the latest Harry Potter in 4 1/2 hours from start to finish, but nothing else got done and I dont think that I spoke to anyone or ate or drank!
How sad is that???
smiler13334 said:
Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon is a dark hunter novel!! if your into witches, psychics, vampires and werewolves etc you will like these rather raunchy (it helps he he)

This one is about Amanda who's sister is a vampire hunter but finds herself the target of attack meant for her sister. Kyrian the blonde stranger who is a Dark hunter, an immortal warrior.

There is a whole series of them so after this one got about 6 or so more! cool!!

Take care xx

This is a first never quoted myself before. LOL

Finished the book blinking fantastic made me laugh out loud, grimace make my hair stand on end, ooohh errrr, cry and smile. Had loads of references to the Greeks Gods/Godesses, love that stuff. I could not put it down only when I realised one eye had totally shut and it was 4am:eek: silly me. So waiting for the next 6 to arrive, then read about the handsome Talon!!

Take care xx
i am really interested in what makes people tick and when I was on hol last week I read, children who kill and twilight children by tory hayden a child phsycologist, not everyones idea of holiday reading maybe but totally unputdownable.

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