I am extremely extremely ANGRY!!!!!!! I designed a lovely facebook Welcome page and then made sure that the layout of my NailsXpress page was good and professional and that only appropriate information was on there. As you can see in this forum, I had people say they loved it, liked my page for me and I did so in return. FACEBOOK have now taken it upon themselves to make change page into the Timeline style. It is now completely messed up, my Welcome page no longer shows up to new clients and it is of no use to me at all.
I could cry. I spent so much time in getting this right and now HATE it.
I have sent them a message telling them in VERY strong terms to put it back to its original style and not to touch it again. I am now going to have to search all over facebook to try to get it back to the way I want it.
I HATE Timeline it is rubbish. My clients are now just moaning about it instead of LIKEing it and using it as they used to. New clients have even taken it upon themselves to email me saying that my facebook page needs work! I couldnt agree more actually.
I told Facebook that they wouldn't like it if I hacked into their advertising medium and messed it up! I am now waiting to hear back from them. In the meantime, I dont know where to start to get it back again to how I like it.