New Member
Hi everyone, I have decided to train in spray tanning so I can earn a few more pennies, But I am so confused with where to start and wondered if you guys could give me some expert advice. I cant decided weather to do a training course with sienna x with the full package for £500,which includes almost everything I could possibly need to start, or to do a course for about £100 at a local collage and buy all the equipment after. La tanning have several offers which include the tent, 3 liters of solution and the tanning machine. Which then leads me to my next question of which tanning machine would I need. My plans are to work evenings and ideally spraying more than one person in an evening. I don't have a lot of money hence the reason why I am training to do this in the first place so I want to do this the cheapest but best way possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated! x