Why do people feel the need to barter you down?


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Hi, i charge £20.00 for a full set of Acrylics.. i have had in the back of my mind some doubt over wether it was too much too charge whilst im still newly qualified(10 months) But after reading the girls comments im confident that im charging an affordable amount for people to pay. At the end of the day like Geeg says it is YOUR valuable time, effort, concentration and costs. people have to respect that and understand that with the majority they are getting a bloody good job,. This site has taught me some very good lessons, one of them being CONFIDENCE in what you do,when you have that along with your passion you will go far.. and realise that £15.00/£20.00 for a full set is damn worth it !! xxx:Grope:

Actually the nails are not worth that price. They are worth more than that price. 20.00 for a competent set of nails is simply way too cheap ... Almost half the price they should be.
I dont want to sound funny or offend anyone,at all BUT

I wouldnt let ANYONE touch my nails if they were charging SO LITTLE....


There is such a think as TOO CHEAP...

You have to think WHO do you want to attract as well....

At the end of the day..you can choose between SIMPLE or ESTEE LAUDER(for example)....and they saying..YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR also springs to mind.

Too many techs in this industry lack confidence and under charge...

Last year a girl asked me how much a full set of my Forever French Creative Acrylic nails were??? I replied £40.....and she said "god..why are you so dear"

AND i replied...."because i am the best in this area."

Just because you are a student does NOT mean you are not capable of producing a great set of nails....xx
I dont want to sound funny or offend anyone,at all BUT

I wouldnt let ANYONE touch my nails if they were charging SO LITTLE....


There is such a think as TOO CHEAP...

You have to think WHO do you want to attract as well....

At the end of the day..you can choose between SIMPLE or ESTEE LAUDER(for example)....and they saying..YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR also springs to mind.

Too many techs in this industry lack confidence and under charge...

Last year a girl asked me how much a full set of my Forever French Creative Acrylic nails were??? I replied £40.....and she said "god..why are you so dear"

AND i replied...."because i am the best in this area."

Just because you are a student does NOT mean you are not capable of producing a great set of nails....xx

I totally understand were you are coming from. System im using is OPI. Me personally i do think im good and i have been complimented alot on the nails i do. Mobile nail techs round my area charge anything between £15-£20 and salons is £35 . so thats why i said £9 as a student , because i thought how can i charge the pros price , when im only a student?

But ive been told better and i should be charging £15 and thats what im doing now.
And also IMO there should be no diffrence in the price of salon nails to someone whom is mobile, I charge more than local salons and I am mobile. If clients choose to go somewhere merley on the price factor then they will ALWAYS find cheaper and imo are not the types of clients you are wanting.

Charge for your time and skill,, not what otheres are charging. Also it is one thing doing a great set of nails but its also about maintannce and how they perform from that appt until there next appointment, keeping them looking like new and problem free rebalances is a skill which IMO will keep them clients coming back every 2-3 weeks and thats they types of clients you want, they will be your regulars returning clients whom pay YOUR wages, not the nail art diamantes glitter tips clients whom seem to get bored and like cheap looking nails therefore expect cheap nails.:)

. Anyone today charging less than 35.00, once competent, is being just plain stupid.

Totally agree Geeg.
I was charging £35 12 years ago, and I despair of all of these discount salons cheapening our profession with their £15 nails.

I know new techs needs lots of practise, as it takes having applied 100 sets before you feel confident, but you still have to be realistic in your pricing.
When I first started my training the first Nail Trainers were being launched and I immediately bought one, as I really had no one to practise on. I worked away on it and perfected my skills and then through a part time job in a Salon perfected my people skills too!!

It is difficult to gain experience and perfect your techniques but you do need to charge a realistic Model rate and don't put yourself down as 'only' being newly qualified to your clients. Not only do these cheap clients want cheap nails they can smell your fear and will destroy your confidence too given half a chance!!!
I find another way that seems to satisfy peoples urge to haggle, is always state your full price before your sale price.
Simply put, you are showing the that you are offering:

Full set of nails, regular 35$, for a LIMITED TIME only 15$...
dosent matter what your idea of a limited time is, but the client sees right off the hop, how much your regular price is, and set it at a realisitic price, and see that they are already getting a great deal.

Another thing I see new beautician do, that should never ever happen is doing services for free. You must sit down with your line and figure out down to the penny, what your product costs you. Always make sure your product is covered. It one thing to donate your time, but your experience should never put you out of pocket, not even for family.

funny- we are like hookers, you can have the benefit of our experience but it comes at a price:green:
Not much more to add except to say that if you don't respect your own time why on earth should you expect anyone else to?

I often use the analogy of Value burgers next to Waitrose ones. They're both burgers, they'll both fill you up, but which would you prefer?

Don't be cheap, stand your ground, know your own worth.
Not much more to add except to say that if you don't respect your own time why on earth should you expect anyone else to?

I often use the analogy of Value burgers next to Waitrose ones. They're both burgers, they'll both fill you up, but which would you prefer?

Don't be cheap, stand your ground, know your own worth.

Fantastic advice.

Discounting prices is the fastest way to wreck your business. By all means do free gifts, gift with purchase etc. Just do not be bullied into working for no profit.
All that happens is that people drive the price lower and lower, and you stop earning your living.
Actually the nails are not worth that price. They are worth more than that price. 20.00 for a competent set of nails is simply way too cheap ... Almost half the price they should be.

Hi Gigi.. not sure if what i wrote came across in the way it was meant too? I understand that £20.00 is still very cheap for a full set of nails.But i dont feel fully competent in what i do yet. i.e the client could experience some slight lifting etc. which on that basis after reading this thread £20.00 is a good price and i shall be increasing my prices when im fully confident.
hi , ive been on this for about 3 months now and i still cant find out how to post something , i know this is not the right place to be putting this but just wondering if any of you girlies or guys can help me ?
thanks:) xx
I'll have a look. It's taken me from when you posted, until today to find what thread I posted in.

I'll figure it out somehow and when you see a thread by me you'll know its thanks to you :)
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Also, just throwin it out there, college typically means theres a teacher making sure things are being done correctly, corners not being cut. I dont know how many times during class I was shown to do something and said to myself "I've never seen that done on my own nails when I get em done" or "I didnt know that was a bad thing to do, it happens to me all the time!" I agree though, raise your dang prices! When I get out I'm charging a decent amount of money because I know I use the best products, do a beautiful job and am worth it! And when you're new and take awhile, do you still want to make a profit? I do! A friend of mine was charging $15 USD and I told her to charge more and her reply was "But I still take 2 1/2 hours for a full set!".... Okay so even though minimum wage is 7.50 she's gonna charge 6 bucks an hour!? And that's before you factor in the cost of products! If you know you're good OWN IT and charge what you deserve to make :)
Great point NailVixen,
i only qualified in june 2010 and got a job in a salon in july,
i was charging people £15 when i did them at home and ehwn i was doing them in the shop they were getting charged £30 for the exact same thing with the same products .
now ihave realised that even because i am still quite new to this people will still pay the price , the only thing is how do i tell the people i did at home as they will be like why is the price doubleing .
Exactly! I cant take my dumb final until mid december so I'm sure I'll do client building/promo type pricing for a few weeks to get my name and pretty nails out there so hopefully I can buy some dang Christmas presents, but after that my prices are going up for sure cuz I know I do beautiful work and it STAYS beautiful for weeks!
Great point NailVixen,
i only qualified in june 2010 and got a job in a salon in july,
i was charging people £15 when i did them at home and ehwn i was doing them in the shop they were getting charged £30 for the exact same thing with the same products .
now ihave realised that even because i am still quite new to this people will still pay the price , the only thing is how do i tell the people i did at home as they will be like why is the price doubleing .

Now you are qualified your prices have to go up.
You tell them you qualified in June & as a thank you for being models while you were learning you have carried on up till NOW charging £15 as a thank you for their support, otherwise you will still be doing them for £15 pounds for eternity & turning away fully paying clients to fit them in.
Better done now than leaving it.
Hi Miss Giggles,
Just red your post - I am having the same dilemma as you - am still training/practicing and wondering how much to charge ....people were biting my hand off to come and practice when I wasnt charging anything, but I cant do that forever...so I have started charging or asking for a donation (as my tutor said) for my products - I was thinking along the lines of a tenner for acrylics but reading these posts might ask for £15

The thing is, if someone like you, living across town from me charges such a low price for nails and others do it to compete, then people start to think that this is the 'normal' expected price for a set of nails. Then it makes other people look really expensive, as they are thinking that £15/£20 or whatever is normal.
IMO 9 pounds is just not enough to charge. your inviting people in to haggle your not putting a realistic price on your product or skill, if people see the chance to get something for nothing they will take that opportunity ,
if a really cant afford 9 pounds for her nails to be done well she shouldn't be getting them done really right? so shes more than likely trying it on.

if you are after experience and models to build your portfolio then say that in your ad and still charge for travel(if mobile) and products right the way through to disposables like couch roll ect ,


if it is business your looking for then start as you mean to go on change higher!

one last thing dont try to compeet with others by lowering your price do it by getting good at what you do and rasing your standarts as a tech, if they make a living on 15 pound sets there ever working way to hard or there cutting major corners!

Yes I'm quoting my self lol!
after reading back through this old thread , and taking my own advice lol I've decided it's time to put my prices UP :)

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Omg £75 for a full set of nails...?- what area Is this?

I'm really good at acrylic so I should charge more but for the area and people around this area I can only charge £30 and £20 for a rebalance.

I would like to charge £35-£40- full set
And £25 for a rebalance but I think my clients and new clients wont pay it as my clients drag their nails out as long as possible....
Some of my clients go four weeks!

£20 for 4 weeks is too good surely! ???
I charge £30 for full set and £20 for maintenance I think that this price is pretty reasonable x

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