Why do so many people view the threads but dont give a reply?


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Active Member
Aug 18, 2010
Reaction score
Why do so many people view the treads but dont give a reply? just asking.this is a prof site right? :green:
maybe because just because were professionals doesnt mean we already know everything,were all obviously here to bounce off,and learn off each other, in this industry the learning is endless.
I know myself dometimes I click on something as I think I may be able to help,and dont actually know the answer, so ill have a look when someone else has answered
yeh im the same im one here to learn aswell as help when i can. I love this site there are so many things to learn from here.xx
yes i love this site i learn so much from the expernced people.its priceless :hug:
Hi there,
Give us a chance huni, there is also a search facility, click it on and type in your keywords, sometimes questions have been asked and answered before.
People will view threads and posts but don't always know the answer, feel they don't know enough to answer correctly, or they just to check it out.

Sometimes it takes a little while to get an answer, most of us work full time and log on as and when we can, so you may not get an answer within 60 minutes of posting a question lol xxxx

Yes hun, it is a professional site and that means people work either salon hours or mobile evening hours or when ever a client needs us.
Enjoy the site and all the knowledge it holds and I hope you learn lots of useful things and also pass on your tips and tricks to others xxx

Welcome xxx
Hi cosmostudent welcome to geek.
Have you aquainted yourself with the geek commandments?
Kind of a rules and regs of how to use the site.
Many people may view a thread but not actually respond im afraid, thats just the way it goes, some like to read new threads and then come back to them.
Some may feel that after they have read a thread they are not able to offer anything constructive or helpful to the poster therefor not leave a reply.
People are not being rude:lol:
Ok.. the many reasons of why someone might not reply

A) they've answered the question a gazillion times and think the poster should use the 'search'
B) They don't know the answer
C) someone else answered and they have nothing to add to that answer
D) They are a lurker and rarely - if ever - answer, but want to read everyone else's replies.
E) They 'might' know the answer, but doubt themselves and are too shy to reply

Yes, this is a Professional Site WHICH MEANS that this is a site for "like-minded" Professionals to support each other and where Professionals gather to share information.

HOWEVER, it does not mean that members are at someone's beck and call.
They give freely of their time to share experience and knowledge. They do this in their "spare time" while they also have personal lives and families to care for.
This is not a 'service center' where people should expect 'customer service' and replies within a certain amount of time or at all and you're not the customer.
It is up to the free will of those frequenting the site and it's not "their job" to reply to every single question.

I'm not trying to be catty. Just trying to put it into perspective for you and explain. I think that you're misunderstanding what is meant by "Professional Site".

As a beauty therapist who qualified many moons ago, my skills and knowledge are well and truly out of date. For me this site is a gentle reintroduction before I begin a process of re-educating myself (courses etc). I very seldom post because at this time I do not have a lot to offer. However, I read EVERYTHING because a question asked by another just might give me another piece of knowledge I am lacking. I suspect that there are many who take advantage of the wealth of information available here.
I often dont reply because I dont know if answer is 100% correct, I try to answer when I can...
I try and answer questions in my particular field, but leave other experts to answer questions that are their area of expertise.
In the commandments of a geek it is quite clear that we should debate and discuss in a professional way. So I keep off the nail threads, but answer lots of hair ones.
After a while on this site, we get to know who is the expert in which area, for instance there are several Wella experts, so I leave Wella questions to them. I tackle the L'Oreal problems.
I am sometimes nosey at questions to see what replies are given. Occasionally i will see soemthing and wonder what the answers are but not know the answer myself, and sometimes i read threads for future reference and for education. I also read threads sometimes to educate myself on different products on the market, and sometimes the question might be of interest to me but when i go into the thread the whole question after explanation isnt what i thought it was...
I am sometimes nosey at questions to see what replies are given. Occasionally i will see soemthing and wonder what the answers are but not know the answer myself, and sometimes i read threads for future reference and for education. I also read threads sometimes to educate myself on different products on the market, and sometimes the question might be of interest to me but when i go into the thread the whole question after explanation isnt what i thought it was...

i tend to do that too lol.. although i do use the search facility when i need to find an answer to something, sometimes i dont find a thread that answers what i need. I have replied to thread when i have something constructive to give, I found this wonderful site way before done my course and qualified and have been coming back ever since, such a wonderful and informative place to be... i hope one day in the not too distanct future i wil be able to offer more contructive advice etc to others learning..

till then .. i guess i am a Lurker !! .. ok part time lurker.. :lol:
Hi All,

Personally as a newbie/returnee I have found this forum to be very proffessional and above all extremely helpful with all the excellent advice.

At the moment I am reading and taking it all in, so I am one of those that read and rarely reply, at the moment ! However as time goes on and my experience grows I hope I will also be able to offer valuable and constructive advice to other newbies and well established Geeks !!

So please, please, please keep posting and asking questions everyone because I would sure be very lost without you all :cry:

Claire .
Also, I think (I could be wrong) that guests can view threads but cannot reply.
Also, I think (I could be wrong) that guests can view threads but cannot reply.
Correct :green:

We get a lot of visitors to the site who aren't professionals and/or aren't registered members, the number of times they view threads is still counted as a 'view' though.
Thanks everyone....for some reason im having a hard time working this site? lol its not that hard so idk why. but ill get the hank of it. <3 thanks ladys/men
I personally don't see the point in having how many views a particular thread has had, maybe someone can enlighten me ? :)
Sometimes i start to type a reply, then it gets a bit long winded, or i'm too tired to think straight... so i delete and go and do something less taxing on my sleepy brain. Most of us have been working hard, doing nails all day and then come home and cook and clean etc, then get a few moments to come on here and have a little read. We know the answer to a question, but hope someone else will do the work and reply instead. :green:
It's kind of like (for me anyway) reading other people's blogs, facebook, other forums etc and not commenting/replying on it lol. But I do try and leave comments/replies if I can relate to them or find them interesting :D
I wouldnt be concerned if your thread gets a lot of views but not a lot of replys. This doesnt mean people are not answering or are ignoring it. It just means that this many people have viewed it, be they members, visitors, random people who googled something and it showed up etc.

Remember also that it is holiday season and many geeks wh usually reply to threads that are aimed at their field may be on holiday or having to entertain their kids during the day.

Also, I know for myself, I browse the threads everyday, but often look at a thread and think, oh I will reply to that later, as I dont have the time at that moment to sit and type out a reply. I often take a quick look at threads between appointments or while I am on the phone or something and am not in a position to actually make a reply.

It is better to get fewer well thought out, knowledgeable and honest replies than a bunch of ones from people who dont have much to add to your particular question.

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