Jeez, a little harsh! I understand if you don't think that you would like to do it, because you don't like it, but just to say "it's not right at all" implies that it there is something completely wrong with it and it shouldn't be done which I think is quite rude and a little old-fashioned.
To the OP, if you feel this is something you want to do then you should let anybody tell you any different. I spent the majority of my life with people telling me how I should look, what I should do and believe you me it doesn't do you any favours!! you always can get people who are narrow minded and think things are wrong but then at one time it was probably weird for women to have nails painted so what's to say that men can't?
Women can wear trousers, wear suits, do lots of things to argue equality with men so therefore, what's to say a man can't have his nails painted or indeed have enhancements on? I say go for it and please let me see you piccie when they're done!! Xxx