I joined this site just to comment on this topic. I am a guy who paints his toenails and fingernails... I recently got a mani/pedi with my wife as her birthday gift to me. I now have a very neat french pedi and on my fingernails i have short, squoval, awesome acrylic tips w/ sparkly pink (OPI princesses rule)... I love them both. They look just sooooo nice!
After breaking 2 fingers, my index and middle fingernails have never been the same... they are thin, pitted, ridged and the split right down the middle painfully. Not to mention they no longer look nice when polished...
So now I get acrylics. Not super long but definitely I guess what most would call girly
And I do favor pinks over darker colors for sure.
I work from home so I realize this is likely easier for me than most guys but I still face the outside world every day as a guy w/ 'girly' pink acrylic fingernails and french pedicure... or pink pedicure, or whatever I am in the mood for...
Do what you want to do and try not to worry about everyone else. I know first hand how nerve wracking it can be but it gets easier and easier. I really don't care about what strangers think in the slightest. Friends, family and neighbors are all I cared about and once they get over it - or not - you are good to go.
So far no one has said anything to me. You don't need society's permission. The teen girl that wore pajama bottoms and slippers to the store didnt ask YOUR permission. The guy w/ the nose ring and giant disk in his earlobe didn't ask your permission! I understand if you are concerned becauae you are single and that women may be put off I can understand that too. Just know that the one for you Will understand....
In full disclosure - I am a cute crossdresser so my reasons for liking nails will likely be different from yours but if you are open minded you will realize that I face the same challenges as any polished guy or guy w/ nail enhancements... 99% of the time I am dressed as a guy in a guy's world yet I still have my nails... everyone can see them. The bottom line is I don't care what people think because
It doesn't matter what anyone thinks about your appearance - be it hair, height, eye color, weight or in our case - nails. You can't control what people think regardless. So live your life on your terms. No one else's. If people can't respect that - that is their shortcoming.
I love my nails and won't be changing them for anyone. Least of a some shallow insensitive girls, boys, men or women that feel like it is their right to judge me.