Anybody else experienced this?


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Thanks for your reply. I also have done a lot of job hopping this year...which I feel really reinforces that there's only one thing I want to do!.. Beauty!
I wish you the best of luck with your course and future. Let us no how you get on.


I start my CND complete course tomorrow and I can't remember feeling this excited in a long time:lol:
You keep your going in the best direction for you. X
Parents only want what they feel is best for their children. There is very little money in beauty if you are purely a therapist. The wage is poor and generally there is no ladder to climb. You are competing with thousands of others doing the same job and prices of services are continually lowering and devaluing the industry. ( as so many threads state the same on here). Be realistic, take calculated risk and don't always think your parents are wrong. :)

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My mum was in the industry thats why she tried to talk me out of it. She was a hairdresser. But she is more excited than anyone about having a nail tech in the family now.
I'm really not lead by money which is why I spent the last 10 years on the bottom rung of the career laddder I am far more passion lead so feel thhis will push me further in this industry. That plus the marketing knowledge I have picked up over the years.
Ok that explains a lot about where your coming from - Maybe because your already doing what you want to be doing and obviously doing it well, is why it's so easy for you to speak from the point of view your are coming from. If you think back to when you first started I'm sure somewhere along the line you took risks, you worked hard and you achieved - rome wasn't built in a day and nothing good comes easy- many very successful entrepreneurs started off grafting 50 hours a week! Look at Alan sugar lol!

Just because it may seem hard at first doesn't mean it should be avoided al together! I would love to be in your shoes one day- to have 5 businesses and am not afraid of a bit of hard work to get them!

Ha ha...ok... I'm sure you will make it. ....Alan Sugar was in the right place at the right time. ..he sold cheap crap computer products to the market which at the time people wanted... it worked.... not sure how you would succeed in the beauty industry these days though .. it's saturated....the industry has something like a 3.5 billion worth (don't quote me on this it may more or less) which is amazing but 4 of my businesses don't lie in this industry...I wouldn't say things should or shouldn't be avoided but a calculated risk is sensible rather than wishing and hoping something may succeed. If you read half of these threads on this site they all say the same (reading between the lines. ..) advice is learn more about the business side than the application to begin with you will then stand a much better chance of succeeding. I choose to work with my mind rather than my hands. ... purely because I can do it laying in my bed. ..ha ha.

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Ha ha...ok... I'm sure you will make it. ....Alan Sugar was in the right place at the right time. ..he sold cheap crap computer products to the market which at the time people wanted... it worked.... not sure how you would succeed in the beauty industry these days though .. it's saturated....the industry has something like a 3.5 billion worth (don't quote me on this it may more or less) which is amazing but 4 of my businesses don't lie in this industry...I wouldn't say things should or shouldn't be avoided but a calculated risk is sensible rather than wishing and hoping something may succeed. If you read half of these threads on this site they all say the same (reading between the lines. ..) advice is learn more about the business side than the application to begin with you will then stand a much better chance of succeeding. I choose to work with my mind rather than my hands. ... purely because I can do it laying in my bed. ..ha ha.

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Ok yeah I hear what your saying and you make some worthy points, but I personally set out to achieve whatever I set my mind to (but I don't commit to unreasonable or un attainable things and take calculated risks) so I agree with you there! But I think some risks are greater than others and if the only risk is a drop in salary to do something you love I would take it! I want to one day work for myself as a nail tech and then have my own salon (but at the mo stick in dull admin- safe and secure but not my passion) I haven't left yet cos I want to work in a salon for a while to build confidence, that business mind you refer to and experience but sooner or later I'm guna have to leave it and take the risk else I will still be here wishing in 10 years time! (nooooooo)
Ok yeah I hear what your saying and you make some worthy points, but I personally set out to achieve whatever I set my mind to (but I don't commit to unreasonable or un attainable things and take calculated risks) so I agree with you there! But I think some risks are greater than others and if the only risk is a drop in salary to do something you love I would take it! I want to one day work for myself as a nail tech and then have my own salon (but at the mo stick in dull admin- safe and secure but not my passion) I haven't left yet cos I want to work in a salon for a while to build confidence, that business mind you refer to and experience but sooner or later I'm guna have to leave it and take the risk else I will still be here wishing in 10 years time! (nooooooo)

I think you will be just fine. .. even reading your answers you have more common sense than most. .. and in all honesty common sense isn't that common! Ha ha... it's been good to talk to you. :)

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I think you will be just fine. .. even reading your answers you have more common sense than most. .. and in all honesty common sense isn't that common! Ha ha... it's been good to talk to you. :)

Sent from my GT-N7100 using SalonGeek mobile app

Likewise! And thanks, it's been good sharing views and I'm sure we could all learn a lot from you! Anyway, I'm sure we will bump into each other again somewhere here.... I love this forum it gives me so much info hints tips and pointers plus a confidence boost to talk to like minded people! Xx

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