Hey Chick!
Oh my god, i have to say i am so jealous of you going to oz!!! ah!!! hahaha
how long are you going for?a year? I just got back from there before xmas, this time last year i was getting myself ready to go, seems like yesterday lol i was there for just under a year and the girls....well they seem to beone extreme to the other! When I was there i seen mainly really slim girls looked like they spent every second in the gym :grr: or they are really quite big girls, i mean very big, strange. But generally speaking they are all health freaks down there, they are pretty people and a lot of them know it too hahaha
I have always had a battle with my weight so i know the feeling, i was trying hard to get in shape before i went, i done ok, but i noticed i slimmed right down when i was there until i got a job and lived there, i was always out drinking and eating out, and have put on SO much weight but i have struggled to diet and exercise till ow due to one factor or another.
hahahha i know life is not fair hey, my sister is a size 8 uk and i'm lucky to get into a 14 i hate it!
Im currently doing the crosstrainer everyday for an hour or 30mins and trying so hard to eat properly, doing well but not sure if the weights coming off
im sat down now and literally noticed how much my thighs come out when i sit down! my legs look so wide i hate it!But i will get there in the end have to stick at it.
Are you going to go back on weight watchers or another one hun?
who you going to aus with?
God you are going to have the time of your life down there! :green: