Are you shy in a crowd?


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One, two or three people I'm ok with as long as I know them well. Im confident with clients one to one. Big crowds ugh I get swallowed. Ask any of my friends and they'd laugh their heads off if I told them I was shy and crap at small talk. Fact is around my close friends im loud, excitable, opinionated and could talk the hind legs off a donkey!

When doing a set of nails im fine because I can talk shop and I let the client speak more so it's chit chat that comes easy.

The more I try and small talk in a crowd or even with smaller numbers the worse I get. If someone makes small talk with me I'm fine I just can't do it the other way. I often use humour, directed at myself when I'm nervous so often people don't realise how shy and nervous I get.

Get a drink down me however and I could talk to a bloody stadium full of people :)... bit like being on here actually judging by my wordy posts :D ;)

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As I tell everyone, I'm only funny on fb. I'm very socially awkward :(

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I'm really shy! But just as I get to know someone the real me comes out and I can't shut up lol I remember saying to my boyfriend remember our first date? He was like yeh you hardly spoke an now you don't stop talking haha :). If I'm with family/friend/boyfriend I can't go ask someone in a shop where something is, if I'm on my own I'll go over an ask no problem strange really! X
My worst nightmare is being in a situation where everybody knows each other and I am the outsider, just like when you go on your partners works night out. Apart from that I am fine I think.
In other situations I can go completely the other way and be really over the top to the point where I find myself thinking, what the heck did you do/say that for you idiot! But I guess I found it funny at the time.
If I am with certain people who I bounce off then things can get really stupid as I'm very easily led. :o
I could never stand up in front of a room full of people and do a talk.
I absolutely hate going to parties/weddings etc where I only know one person (usually hubby as he would have been invited).
I hate going out in a group of women only as someone always seems to turn their back on me and I always get left out of the chat. This happens all the time in the school playground. I now tend to always stand alone at pick up time as I've given up on trying to make friends.
I like going out in a mixed sex group as I find it easier to talk to men.
I hardly have any friends, in fact none I would just ring up and chat to.
I'm really confident and chatty with my clients, I know they like me or they wouldn't re-book. They're my social outlet. Without them I'd be a recluse.
I've always been popular at work and have friends to go out to lunch with or have drinks with after work when I worked in an office.
I'm never shy and I can talk to anyone, but that's because I love people from all walks of life. I'm a middle child and we are said to be confident and independent.
I've thought about this, and I think I'm more confident in a large group, which is a bit weird.

I don't find strangers difficult to talk to actually. Just as well as I'm always being approached by random people!
I think after reading these, that it's big crowds that make me feel a bit shy. I can talk to anyone when I'm on my own territory, but someone elses and it will take me a while to adapt.
Im shy always have been feel akward at parties if I dont really no many and I always struggle with what to talk to people about :(
Im shy until I get to know someone. Once I know them Im fine. Even though I am shy I always make myself look approachable by smiling. This only differs if I am drunk... I get very loud, & as I got told last night I speak very quickly too. How lovely.

Or when I am working, I have my uniform on & I become the 'work me' . Sounds strange, but as a professional I I can talk away about things I know about & I am interested in to strangers no problem. Obviously a confidence issue of mine.

I think it depends who I'm with. It's not the number of people but the characters in the group. If there are loud obnoxious people I wilt and crawl under a stone, but if they are normal and quiet I can be normal too and join in :)
I'm chatty with people I know really well and can talk easily to strangers but it's the in between people I struggle with like neighbours or other parents from school. If I see an inbetweener in the supermarket I change aisles and skulk around avoiding them. Is that bad?
I'm chatty with people I know really well and can talk easily to strangers but it's the in between people I struggle with like neighbours or other parents from school. If I see an inbetweener in the supermarket I change aisles and skulk around avoiding them. Is that bad?

agree completely!
Im shy until I get to know someone. Once I know them Im fine. Even though I am shy I always make myself look approachable by smiling. This only differs if I am drunk... I get very loud, & as I got told last night I speak very quickly too. How lovely.

Or when I am working, I have my uniform on & I become the 'work me' . Sounds strange, but as a professional I I can talk away about things I know about & I am interested in to strangers no problem. Obviously a confidence issue of mine.


I think most are like that with the work side as you have to be really, and it's your comfort zone, my friends who have seen me working in the shop not just doing their hair at theirs, say I'm different, like me but a bit more fun to watch, entertaining, and looking after my guests, where as at home, people want a drink or anything they help themselves lol. I also help myself round theirs too lol. If I won't be seen as rude lol.

I'm told I talk fast when excited, talking about hair, or with people I know, apparently I talk clearer to people I don't, my bf noticed this lol. When I'm drunk I slow down too hahaa
I'm chatty with people I know really well and can talk easily to strangers but it's the in between people I struggle with like neighbours or other parents from school. If I see an inbetweener in the supermarket I change aisles and skulk around avoiding them. Is that bad?

Yes!! That's me. Glad I'm not alone.:hug:
I'm never shy and I can talk to anyone, but that's because I love people from all walks of life. I'm a middle child and we are said to be confident and independent.

I'm a middle child and I'm socially awkward :|
I am extremely quiet mostly pretty much all the time but very confident person.

Worked in various areas of interest to me, at the moment pretty much a self made (typical for the field) sys administrator (most real sys admins are very quiet anyways).

Done various bits of audio recordings for a friends band (actually what he hails as being their producer for just playing around with audio levels on their mixer desk? LOL).

Just I am past the age of caring what people think of me really... (though not displaying a horrible person, just think very much in black and white, sometimes that causes me problems, sometimes it doesn't).

Just here for [originally] for helping people out (or now rather) for SEO purposes well making the best out of sites. I don't like seeing people waste their money on things they don't need. Got good morales or I like to think I have.

What you're talking about if you're socially awkward (depends on the setting for me personally) you're introverted, if you're an extrovert then means you are not so socially awkward.

Most are a mix of the 2 though depending on the situation they're in, generally speaking I'd say I am just a good mix of the 2 and I like that.
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I used to be painfully shy but now I can talk and do whatever infront of people and I'm fine, I think it's because of my nightclub job! I have over 20 colleagues and also have to chat/flirt/serve all the customers....I'm very confident nowadays :D xxx

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