Avant Garde help!


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Active Member
Dec 3, 2011
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Hi geeks.
Has anybody ever tried anything like this before?
Apparantly you can use sugar and water or hairspray to mould hair??
I've also heard of someone moulding hair onto a balloon, and then popping it? All sounds complicated to me and wondered if anyone had ever attempted it themselves?
I haven't but it looks soooo good, I'd love to have a go at this!!xx
Ive done hair matting, but instead of cutting it into tiny pieces i felted it instead (look up felting techniques on youtube) and it made a more flexible piece of hair that i could bend into any shape.
Sugar and water solutions were used extensively during the 70's punk rock era to create Mohicans etc. Waxes and moulding pastes were almost non-existent back then.

I also had lots of fun with food dyes as these were easily accessible.

It was a bugger when it rained though...!
Seen it done with hair clippings and hairspray on BBC Young Hairdresser of the Year.
Could anyone advise me on where to start?! I'm pretty clueless.. Do you suggest short hair cuttings or longer shards of hair?
I had a look at felting on you tube.. Couldn't really find anything.. Could you tell me more about it please.
Thank you!
Well i was told to try short clippings but i found it was bulky and just looked a bit disgusting to be honest. Instead i took longer pieces of hair (maybe 3 inches or so) and pulled them apart with fingers and brush to fluff them up and provide more surface area then laid them first this way = then || like that on top of each other. Do a few layers like this then spray liberally with hairspray and use a slow hot setting on the dryer to make it stick. (slow is important because otherwise the hair can blow away before its stuck properly). Make a sheet and then when its finished you can mould it and bend it into any shape you like and stick with hair spray.
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hpho...930915845_532260844_11228960_1531320711_n.jpg this is a sheet i made and sprayed with gold and blue
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hpho...420040845_532260844_11267465_1344863658_n.jpg then used on hair up
That looks amazing, well done. I will give that a whirl next week. Thanks 💇

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