Well-Known Member
When I was training to be a beautician a friend of mine, who is a nurse, told me that I had more A&P study than she did!!!
Maybe there should be a degree, for those who want it, in Beauty Therapy which covers a more medically indepth A&P, contra indications, needles, drugs, fillers, lasers etc, times are changing, if you're qualified to give injectables from the beginning with 3 years study with a degree behind you then people will be more protected.
I suggested this in another thread that got quite heated. I think this is the best way forward. The only way to do this at present is a nursing degree, which is not structured towards aesthetic treatments. We need a proper degree course like radiography, physiotherapy etc especially for this area and then everyone would know what should be expected if they want to pursue this career. The trouble is some doctors and nurses are not necessarily suitable for aesthetic work either and it needs some sort of benchmark qualification as it is not usually a placement that is part of their training although undoubtably the life saving skills are. :hug: