I want you to do minelol ! Xx
If you're ever in derby hun look us up xx
I want you to do minelol ! Xx
If you're ever in derby hun look us up xx
Do you ever get clients that ask the price without the aftercare packs? X
I'm thinking of doing the easilocks course. I hear that their hair are all 1 gram bonds. Can someone confirm this?
I was told on my training that its not unusual to lose up to 20 in the first few weeks.. I always do a free maintenance check 2 weeks later to see how they are getting on x
That makes me feel better, I'm not sure whether to replace them for free, she has a maintenance appointment coming up in a few weeks but wants them put back in tomorrow as I am doing her husbands hair x
If you're there anyway then it wouldn't hurt this time to do it for free, but only this once. There could be lots of resins why they're coming out either you're not clamping them tight enough, I use two hands and squeeze to death, to small a section, maybe her hair isn't suitable, I won't fit micro rings in fine hair. I had a client recently who lost 8 in 5 days, I went round there as a good will gesture, the reason hers came out was because she wasn't washing inbetween the bonds properly. I find this really common on first time wearers, I could literally slide then out because of the grease in her hair. X
I clamp them with two hands as well, I replaced a few she lost recently and gave them all a good squeeze whilst I was doing that. She has suitable hair for them, it's not fine and she has a lot of hair, I might say to her to apply shampoo on the bonds as well, I have micro rings in mine and haven't lost any for weeks x