I think he is talking about those who are familiar with members and their product preferences. He is stating that he is familiar with geeg's preference for CND and is saying that he does not need simple logic to see that she was speaking about HER preference.
Thereby, he assumed that she was even thinking of it, and she may very well have not been. She may well have been generalizing. Therfor, he did imply.
HE wasn't implying anything - he was showing where he came to that conclusion by saying that he's seen it stated here on the forums.
See above. Also, you can not base her answer by taking statements from other threads. That is NOT taking her words at face value. That IS adding to them from other sources which may or may not be relevant to this discussion.
He was taking everything at face value.
No, elsewise her chosen brand would not have been brought up.
Simple example: she could have been referring to poor crap found on ebay or who knows where... OR EVEN MMA.... and that is most definately an INFERIOR product. You don't know. He doesn't know. Do you both presume to know what's in her mind?
And what "hidden meanings" did he add?
He added his presumption that
Put simply, if you say CND is the best performing product & that a great technician would in no way choose anything less, then by extension it implies anyone using anything but that product cannot be a great technician.
She never said that. She never once implied anything of the sort. We are intelligent adults. We should all be well aware that we have our own personal preferences and opinions. Because I tell you that cover Fx is the best makeup, does that mean I infer you use crap on your face and that you don't take care of your face? NO! it doesn't. It simply means that I "think", as in "My opinion" is that it's the best.
He hid nothing, as far as I can tell! What was he twisting around?
see above
You are obviously on one side and not the other, so of course you will interpret his words differently than I do or anyone else. There are those that will follow your side and those (who may not want to admit) who will follow Martin Duffy's and my opinions.
What side am I purported to be on? Who's making assumptions now? I did never chose a side. I differed with a viewpoint. Had nothing to do with product, nor persons. Simply the statements I was reading.
I use EZ Flow/France Lecuyer/Nailite. and YET I take absolutely NO OFFENSE to her words.
Why must there be sides? If you perceive there to be sides, then you drew the lines yourself.
This is a forum where people share opinons and GENERALLY agree to disagree amicably and RESPECT that others may have different opinions.
And I actually think that talking about what products are one of the best and making analogies to cars is just not right. What about the new techs who come on here and they've painstakingly researched what product they want to use and it's - oh my god - not CND. I have read enough posts on here to see that CND is practically shoved down everyone's throats and as much as you deny it, it is many times done harshly.
Bull****. and if that was censored, then read the stars as " BULL POOP"
Sorry for myplain english, but that's just ****E. You see it as so, simply because there are more CND users than otherwise. It's a case of numbers giving a false impression. Harshly? Point it out where someone has done as you claim. I would like to see this.
Then if anyone debates it, they are accused of not accepting "constructive criticism." The debates are totally turned around - against the one who disagrees with the CND-ers here and they are then told "they are making themselves look bad."
see above
Stop talking about cream rising to the top and let's empower everyone NO MATTER WHAT PRODUCT WE USE. We can ALL be the cream rising to the top even if we use an unknown brand of L&P or gel!