Can't get in at any salon


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you could maybe start off bu doing mobile ? that way you would have a bit of experience to put on your cv.
you could maybe start off bu doing mobile ? that way you would have a bit of experience to put on your cv.
I think mobile when you're fresh out of training is a silly silly silly idea.

You need a support system for WHEN you f*** up.

You need people to be able to bounce off.
Do you not have any friends or family that could watch your children?

I know if my friend/family needed help with childcare id be keen to help. If you found 4 people they'd only have to watch your kids once every 4 weeks. Minus yours and your hubbys holidays.

Yes thats a good point.. My husband is self employed so doesnt get any holidays and we dont have any family anywhere near by and because there so young 2 and 4 are quite hard work (especilly the two year old) but am going to sit down and try and think of some people as when you put it like it could make it more achievable. Thanks so much for your advice xx
you could maybe start off bu doing mobile ? that way you would have a bit of experience to put on your cv.
yeah I have been doing bits and bobs and have lots of good photos so am on the right path. After posting this and reading all the responses I feel much more confident!
I would try going into the salon and talking to the manager in person. Most of the time it is hard to get behind the chair with no experience, but you could always start out shampooing and helping out and learning as much as you can from everyone else and showing that you're passionate. You also want to find a salon who is willing to help you too and wants you to learn. But don't ever work for free. A lot of the times they will pay you minimum wage depending on what salon it is. Or if it is a family owned salon you could work out something with them. When I first started I was shampooing for 50$ a day and I would get whatever tips I made. You have to start somewhere right? Lol They were very nice people and took me under their wing and I learned so much just from watching them.

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