Carbide bit or sanding band?


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Sep 13, 2009
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I have been using sanding band for refill of gel for 6 years now. Seen the young nail video about there safety carbide bit and really was impress with it . I was wondering if any nail tech here that are refilling gel find that the carbide bit works faster than sanding bands. Also wondering how many weeks or months your carbide bit last before you need to buy a new one. Thanks
I've only been trained and using my efile for a few months but I was trained with the safety bit and haven't used my sanding bands at all.
I've purchased several more bits in ceramic and different grits. I love the medium flame bit for infills or removals
Hey! I'm gel tech myself and I used sanding bands as well. I recently bought carbide bit (not the YN) and it is great! It dosen't get dull and goes on so smoothly - I ain't going back to sanding bands. I was in lecture about e-file bits and they said, that depending on quality of carbide bit it can last everywhere from 1 year up to 7 years.
I don't really know the manufacturer of my bit, only thing I know is that's it's made in EU. I would strongly advise against going for something that's made in China - I have heard the quality is just dreadful and longevity is about the same as sanding bands'.
I have heard the Atwood Industries and Kupa (American companies) make good e-file bits, check them out.
About YN carbide bit I have read many good reviews, however, some say it's overpriced and you can get the same qulity for better price.
As for starters with carbide bit - try to use it on training hand or tip with gel on top, to get the feel of it, then you can try it out on your self, once you feel comfortable you can do it on clients. For me it took about an hour to get hang of it. I personaly enjoy working with carbide bit so much more than with sanding bands.
Thanks everyone. For the ceramic bit you use what do you use it for? How do you like the ceramic compare to the carbide bit? Can you prep the nails with the ceramic bit?
I don't use an efile on natural nails, only acrylic

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