Client slating my work on Facebook


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Oct 15, 2012
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I did a ladies nails a few weeks ago she rang for a soak off and fresh set ( she had previously been to another salon) I told her I didn't have time to soak off but could do her a fullset if she removed the nails she already had on herself. So she turns up with the previous nails still on and as I didn't have time I just had to infill over the top .. She left happy.. Although I told her I don't normally Infill on others work and so wish I had stuck to my guns!
So 3 weeks later she's slated me all over Facebook saying I have gave her fungal infection on her nails and she's had to have antibiotics ( she hasn't contacted me at all Iv just seen it on Facebook) but what's annoyed me is she hasn't mentioned that she had other nails on underneath and on the picture it's all towards the tip of her nails .. Iv never had anything like this before so just looking for abit of advice on if to contact her or not. I feel really upset about it and worried sick
I wouldn't respond as hard as it is just ignore her. You know it was not you so let it be. It's a well known thing that those who are in the wrong react the most or greatest so clearly she is showing herself up here.
Your clients know your quality and std of work.
However if it is effecting your clients or your name you can send her a message asking her to please contact you directly or you shall be getting your solicitor advise on her public slandering of your services which to be honest is hard for her to prove, but easy for you as it is proof on Facebook. Keep screen shots of this information on hand just incase.

Usually the people who behave like this are the ones to blame themselves !
Wow. I'm sure nailpod is right but I'd have a job letting that go.

I'd post on her wall by her comment:

Thanks for giving me the chance to infill your nails recently. As you still had your nails from your previous salon, I would respectfully point out that the only part of your nails which is my product is the 2/3mm near the cuticle and so I cannot be held responsible for the breakdown in service. :)

Or something like that.
Wow. I'm sure nailpod is right but I'd have a job letting that go.

I'd post on her wall by her comment:

Thanks for giving me the chance to infill your nails recently. As you still had your nails from your previous salon, I would respectfully point out that the only part of your nails which is my product is the 2/3mm near the cuticle and so I cannot be held responsible for the breakdown in service. :)

Or something like that.
I agree with blossom, I would give an answering explanation of your service and the prior products and then avoid any further commenting
Thank you girls this has made me feel abit better although I can't comment on her post as I'm not friends with her on Facebook so I was going to inbox her also I thought if I did comment it would bring it all back up on people's news feed. The thing is this lady works about 5 shops down from my salon so she could of dealt with it by coming into see me instead of slandering my business on Facebook xx
Sending her a private message will not solve your problem which is getting a bad reputation. If anything it'll sound like you are trying to apologize.
You can always try to explain, but chances are she won't change her mind. She has already formed her opinion and trying to prove your are not an elephant is never worth it.
Unless you can actually post a comment on that post, so that other people will know the truth, it's not worth pursuing.
In that case can you put it on your own page and tag her? I'm guessing not unless she likes your page?

I agree, unless your declaring publicly that it ain't your fault, I'd leave it alone. X
In that case can you put it on your own page and tag her? I'm guessing not unless she likes your page?

I agree, unless your declaring publicly that it ain't your fault, I'd leave it alone. X
I'm absolutely rubbish with technology I wouldn't know where to start and I don't think she has liked my page I will give a few days let me nerves calm down and try and deal with it as professional as possible xx thank you everyone this site is lovely xx
What an awful situation to find yourself in :(

What do her nails look like? Is it a greenie or are they white?

I doubt she has even been to the doctors , because even when you go to the doctors they never diagnose straight away for fungal , they take a sample and get it tested as it is impossible to tell for sure when just looking at it. it is also extremely rare to get a fungal infection on your fingernails. It's almost exclusively affects the toenails, Fingernails just don't provide the right conditions for it to grow.
Hi, I'm sorry to hear that.

I would suggest you address her remarks and respond. The only reason I suggest engaging is because people looking at facebook who don't know you will get a bad impression. I think it's important to politely stand up for yourself, people respect that and will see her as the abusive bully she is.

Hope it all works out.

If she only works 5 shops down I would walk in and speak to her, no need to make it confrontational, go in full of concern and ask to see her nails and say how shocked you were to see her comments as this has never happened before and point out that this is a potential problem infilling others work and you had previously told her you don't do it, had asked her to soak off but tried to oblige. If the other place was that fantastic she'd still be going there.
This is another reason why it is important to use record cards on each visit.... as it is proof.... you've got some good advice here.... i hope you get it all sorted and try not to worry....

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