CND Nourishing Remover not working properly!


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Would it be too dangerous to warm the hands under a lamp whilst the foils are on? I have an infrared lamp, would this a possibility?

Does anyone do this? I usually use a wheat bag but I'd like to have another option too.

I've just bought a UV lamp ready to use with IBX which needs gentle heat so this will double up for me :biggrin:
Dunno how comfortable I would be letting my client put tin foil fingers in an electrical appliance! Xxxxx
I've just bought a UV lamp ready to use with IBX which needs gentle heat so this will double up for me :biggrin:

That's what I was thinking. Or at least warming my clients hands before wrapping in foils.
Dunno how comfortable I would be letting my client put tin foil fingers in an electrical appliance! Xxxxx

Under a infrared lamp not in a lamp. I wouldn't do that either.
I bought a "lavender" wheat bag- when I've microwaved it a couple of times it smells like popcorn and some clients say it smells like porridge! Ughh I think I need to infuse it with some of my own lavender oil what does everyone think?
I bought a "lavender" wheat bag- when I've microwaved it a couple of times it smells like popcorn and some clients say it smells like porridge! Ughh I think I need to infuse it with some of my own lavender oil what does everyone think?

I had one of these and found the bag started to smell stale. I do think i overcooked it and this left it smelling a bit off like burnt oats. I added some more oil and it revived it for a while.

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I had one of these and found the bag started to smell stale. I do think i overcooked it and this left it smelling a bit off like burnt oats. I added some more oil and it revived it for a while.

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I burnt one of mine. Couldn't get the smell out of the microwave for days.
So what are the wheat bags everyone uses? Also do you just put clients hands on top of it or kind of wrap it around their hands? I found some that are more square and others that are long. Just wondering which ones would work better?
We went back to Acetone as the nourishing remover was taking way longer.
I don't rate the nourishing remover either. I use opi remover and find it much better!
Wheat bags are good except they do have a tendency to stink a bit, I have the rectangular one which I bought from Amazon.

Could also be the cold temperatures at the moment, I've had some acrylic disasters recently when visiting clients houses and they haven't had the heating on and their hands have been freezing. :/
I have a sausage shaped wheat bag and whilst I'm wrapping the heat bag is placed between my two towelling mitts to the side. Then once the mitts are on the bag is placed over the top.
I always have to have the remover on for longer than anyone else on here it seems and the second hand always removes better because it has obviously been on longer.
When using wheat bags when mobile do you ask client if you can use their microwave? I placed a client nails under a roll of towels the other day and I couldn't believe how the shellac just peeled away! I was thinking the lavender ones may smell a little better x
So what are the wheat bags everyone uses? Also do you just put clients hands on top of it or kind of wrap it around their hands? I found some that are more square and others that are long. Just wondering which ones would work better?

I put mine on a tissue first in the microwave also with a little bowl of water with a couple of drops of aroma oil that way the beans don't dry out ( which is why they eventually don't hold heat as the moisture in the beans is what heats up)
Hi All

I have seen a thread on here about unscented wheat bags but for the life of me cannot find it.

I am looking for an unscented wheat bag, long sausage shaped one of good quality. Any recommendations?
Thanks ladies for your suggestions! I think I'm already saturating the pad really well (sometimes too much actually, because when I'm squeezing I see the remover coming out of the wrap sometimes). And yes, I'm giving it a squeeze/rub while the wraps are on and a good rub before I pull the wrap off...could it be that I actually was waiting too long? I'll try to remove them faster next time and see if it helps.
I was also wondering how I could incorporate the heat? Some of my ladies have really cold hands, plus the weather has been freezing. I love the towel treatment, but I don't have a towel warmer, and not even a sink in the room. I do have a nail dryer that gives out a good amount of heat, but I don't know if that would be safe to use while the wraps with remover are on?

Sorry I haven't been on the forum for a while... A client's cold hands definitely will effect your removal! We're dealing with chemistry here so temperature will effect the process. I'm speaking from experience. I had a gel client who always has cold hands. Her removal would take for-ev-er! I tried heating her up with my table lamp which was sadly useless. Then I started using the hot towels. I figured if I use the hot towels I might as well give her a treatment, let her know it's free, and she tips well and always comes back... plus the dang gel comes off in a flash now! If you don't have a towel warmer then saturate your hand towels in hot water, wring them out, roll them up and put them in a MICROWAVE for 2 - 3 minutes. They'll be HOT so be careful handling them. You can also keep a crock pot in your area and keep a little water in there with some rolled up, wet towels. Don't put more than an inch of water and keep the crock pot on low... you don't want to burn yourself! Use tongs to get the towels out just to be on the safe side. That's a cheaper way of keeping your towels hot. Good luck :) HTH
Now im offering IBX I have an small infrared lamp with me (im mobile) and if the client is having IBX the lamp is going to be used anyway, I put their hands infront of the heat lamp whilst in foil wraps to speed up the removal process. Worked brilliantly the other day! I also have a wheat bag if I dont need to get the infrared lamp out :D

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Just posting an update since it got bumped :)
It definitely was the temperature affecting removal! I've since had my usual ladies in a few times but on warmer days and did not have any problems with removal at all! And I also have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the condition of their nails comparing to when I used just acetone. There were no peeling, no dehydration marks. In fact last couple of times I noticed Shellac lasting longer too! So looks like I'm going to be sticking to Nourishing remover after all :)
What I did for heat for now is use a water bag/pad with hot water inside, would place their hands on top of it and wrap in a towel. Just a few minutes was enough to speed up the process. I am going to think of something for the future that I can actually wrap their hands in like a wheat bag or hot towels.
I just use acetone however I do not leave them on for long I usually apply cotton pad soaked in acetone into the nails then wrap with tin foil I do this for all the fingers, maybe wait one minute then go back to the first nail I started on and it comes of really well. I find if you soak them for too long the acetone dries up and shellac re hardens.
Wheat bags are good except they do have a tendency to stink a bit, I have the rectangular one which I bought from Amazon.

Could also be the cold temperatures at the moment, I've had some acrylic disasters recently when visiting clients houses and they haven't had the heating on and their hands have been freezing. :/

You can make your own bag using jasmine rice or regular rice with a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender. It's cheap and easy and there are videos online for how to do it yourself. I was given a corn bag for Christmas one year and I like it but I prefer the rice bags :)

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