Just replied to the ad - let's just say I told them what I thought...
To the lady that is in favor of this FREE scheme. I've not long finished my 12 months course that cost me £1700 plus kit at £300. I had to pay for my Daughter to go to nursery at £315 a month, it also cost money in fuel to drive 12 mile there and back. I love what I do, would do it all again in a heartbeat.
I was the only one on my course that paid myself, there was 42 to start and I'd said 12 finished. Of which half of that aren't even working in the industry, one lady in the group chose to do this course because it was "something to do" and when she finished this course she wanted to do health and social care, and before beauty she had previously done hairdressing at level 1. This absolutey infuriates me!!!
How can handing out FREE this FREE that, drive most people to have a good WORK ethic??
Yes, There is a small minority of things these funded courses that really do help people and turns out a success which is why I thing applicants should be vetted and only a small buget should be in place...