I haven't really got any desire to do this training but I do feel for the people that have done it and are constantly having to defend it.
Why have so many people got a bee in their bonnet over this training, its always getting slated by people that haven't even done the training. I have yet to see one negative comment from someone who has done the training, quite the opposite. Im sure if someone had a bad experience they would be straight on here to tell us about it.
Think you've hit the nail on head here bombini.
I've had more PMs on HD Brows than any other topic I've posted on the forum.
Whilst I do try to help people, I feel their is some really just want me to tell me how to do the treatment. I couldn't tell someone in a few PM's how to do it, you really need to go on the course.
I feel I need to defend the treatment and the training, because of the negative comments on here from people that have not done the course.
It is worth the money (and expenses incurred) and it is a very popular treatment in my salon. If someone was to go on the course and disagree, then fair enough, but I have not seen this yet.
For the lady that had hers done and didn't like them (something about the tint - wasn't quite sure what she meant, or what when wrong), I feel I would check if the therapist that done them was actually trained in the HD Brows.
I managed to find a salon that were doing HD Brows, but their own version, without the training. The called it HD Brows - Highly Defined Eyebrows. They have copied HD's images and text and have it on their website, but they have replaced High Definition Brows with Highly Defined. Which makes me think they haven't done the course. So check if they've really done it.
Either that, or it could be just the person doing it. I have employed staff with certificates coming out of their ears, can they do a good treatment? The training was brilliant and very through, but some people may just not of grasped it, like any other treatment. I believe CND is a good product, great training etc, but just because they've done the course, does that make them automatically brilliant?
I suspect a lot of people posted negative comments actually want to do the course. I know for a fact one of them was trying to find out from their clients whether they should offer it.
I'm not sure about making you retrain, but this can only be a good thing. They want you to do this treatment right.
I for one get annoyed at myself posting good stuff about the HD Brows, cos it might tempt more people into doing it. The less people doing it, the more clients for me.
I did think it was a lot of money to the course, I did ponder on it, but I'm glad I did. Every single client is rebooking and I've got a client travels 2.5 hours to get them done.
Don't knock it till you've tried it.