My thoughts are this:
YES it is GREAT to provide a scoring sheet for our viewing so we know what the exact criteria is.
This is a chat forum for professionals and not the gmex or whatever the heck it is called in the UK (competitions at pro level etc...) so lets keep it simple.
Those organizing the different comps ARE DONATING their time. Please, let us not complicate it too much or no one will want to be bothered.
By creating levels of skill blah blah and other issues that complicate it..... you may find that there will be either less comps or none at all.
The purpose of comps is to
A) challenge oneself
B) find inspiration and learn from those that entered.
No matter how complex or how simple a comp may be, there is STILL room to learn from them and grow NO MATTER what your level of skill is, you should STILL participate because even if you do not place, you challenge yourself... THAT is what is important - THE CHALLENGE.
I dont mind if they are monthly or every other month or whatever.. it is all fun... and most techs would not compete in all comps... due to schedules or type of comp etc.
One thing that would be very nice would be if once or twice a year, we had a comp that was VERY stringent with rules and critique AND that our critiques from the judges would be returned to us so we can learn exactly where we went wrong.
YES we have a critique forum, but..... it might be a good way to practice for the huge pro comps, if you know what I mean.
All in all I donèt really mind if they are informal or complex.
It is all about the challenge, the fun, and the learning for me.
As long as they are open to everyone, I am a happy camper.