New Member
Hello all.. I was directed by the wonderful Healthy Pages site.. in the hope( please) that u guys may be able to assist me in my quest for a pain free set of nails... ho hum..
up untill 2yrs ago.. I regulary had my nails done with no problems.. until..I had a most strange reaction to something in the process, my fingertips got very itchy and swell up quite badly and ended upwith water filled blisters...around the tops and spread down to the sides of the fingers also around the front skin under the cuticle of the nail. yep a bad reaction.. all within 48hrs
no ideawhat had caused it...
I gave up for 6mths
but since that time ...I had had it done 3 times. and again, each time.. the same response but worse.... last time.. it took 4/5 weeks for my nails to calm down, had to forcefully remove them after 24hrs and a £35.00 down the plughole, . .. ouch!!..
I tried acrylic scultured, tips, all sorts but difficult & a pain to.explain what my prob is..sometimes they are not interested in it and just do the nails....
anyone any ideas.. I heard about "silk tips" yes I could be tested.. but a lot of expense for a set of nails.. it would be lovely to have them done again.. but am terried to try...
I have been queried if it could be the primer???.
soz it is sooooo long... but would love to have me nails sorted...
so here is a mission & a half... oh.. I live in bedfordshire so anymore near by... email me..
any help would be brill...
hugs to all...
up untill 2yrs ago.. I regulary had my nails done with no problems.. until..I had a most strange reaction to something in the process, my fingertips got very itchy and swell up quite badly and ended upwith water filled blisters...around the tops and spread down to the sides of the fingers also around the front skin under the cuticle of the nail. yep a bad reaction.. all within 48hrs
no ideawhat had caused it...

but since that time ...I had had it done 3 times. and again, each time.. the same response but worse.... last time.. it took 4/5 weeks for my nails to calm down, had to forcefully remove them after 24hrs and a £35.00 down the plughole, . .. ouch!!..

I tried acrylic scultured, tips, all sorts but difficult & a pain to.explain what my prob is..sometimes they are not interested in it and just do the nails....
anyone any ideas.. I heard about "silk tips" yes I could be tested.. but a lot of expense for a set of nails.. it would be lovely to have them done again.. but am terried to try...

soz it is sooooo long... but would love to have me nails sorted...
so here is a mission & a half... oh.. I live in bedfordshire so anymore near by... email me..
any help would be brill...
hugs to all...