I'm finding hard to understand why people find that having varnish, hair colors etc on are creating 'mini adults' and making are children grow up to quickly?
Kids always play 'dress up' and copy adults .... Imo it no different that putting on a policemans costume.....
Ok I'd be very worried if a kid under 18 come in and asked to be vajazzeled, that's a whole new thread.!! but a bit of paint or colour is not going to cause harm!!
It's a natural process for a child to experiment with their apperance, So surely its much better to get things done, that don't last for ever and are done professionally???
Were in an industry were we get paid to make people look and feel better .... So why wouldn't you do it in a near teenager who's prob very self consious, ( I know I was) and would love the little 'helping hand to make her feel better' .
If the girls mother agrees with it getting done then what the problem.??
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Well, first I would say that there's a large difference between cutting hair, and changing it's colour.
Then I would say there is also a great difference between an 11yr old and a Teenager.
I'm also for boosting their confidence. Don't get me wrong... but as I said earlier, I think in this generation, we look for quick and easy fixes.
I was a child that wore makeup too early and coloured my hair too young, to feel better about myself. My mom did nothing, said nothing.
I emphasize "child" because 11 and 12 is a CHILD.
I WISH my mother had put her foot down, gotten to the root of the problem and talked to me, and found ways to build my self confidence and make me feel better about my self image. NOPE, she didn't do a thing...
So this pattern continued into adulthood. Lacking in self confidence, relying upon cosmetics and what not because THAT's what the Media told me was the only way I could be pretty.
But makeup and hairdye didn't change my nose, or my large forehead, or my flat chest.......and since I didn't have INNER confidence.....I couldn't accept what I deemed as flaws.
I didn't hit my stride and become confident until my 30's........ a lot of painful years went on before that. A LOT of mistakes made due to the lacking self-confidence.........
I could have been saved all of that, and been happier IF my mom had talked to me and found tools to make me feel good on the INSIDE.
IF it had been dealt with in my childhood, I would have been stronger facing my adolescence and adulthood.
YES, we're in the business of beauty. But as with any job, we should think with our hearts sometimes.
Sometimes we SHOULD let our hearts be the deciding factor.
If no one EVER let their hearts lead them, then where on earth would this planet be?
We're all different, and have differing opinions. That's fine, let's agree to disagree. BUT nothing wrong with sharing food for thought sometimes, amongst each other, to give another perspective.
As for one poster saying this shouldn't be a debate (sorry, having a brainfart, can't quite remember whom without scrolling)... well, the OP made it such when she posed her question as she did.
Had it been only a question of Insurance, she would have called her Insurance company.
Other things that have popped into my mind, more food for thought:
In Quebec, you can't drive until you're 18yrs old.
You can't drink until you're 18.
You can't have a tatoo until you're 18, without a parental consent (they must be in attendance and prove they're the parent).
Certain 'piercings' require parental consent as well.
There must be reasons for this? That there would be 'laws' in place, and why such things wouldn't be permitted until adulthood.
Just food for thought....