Beachneck and I are here wetting our pants over this 'informative and constructive' thread.
As you seem to dislike private messages, I assumed you would want me to post this here:
I only private messaged you so that you could save face, I wasnt aware you wanted it posted publicly. I should have known you enjoyed public humiliation just by your posts.
I have only been on long enough to check whats happening and I am about to jet off again (I am working). All I have to say is that you need to take a step back and get a new perspective as the one you have now is equivalent to writing 'kick me' on your head in lipstick.
I have no problem saying that my wife owns some shares in Designer Nails. Woohoo. I dont.
So you may say I benefit by spending countless hours creating a Mecca for nail techs in an attempt to brainwash them into buying product that would benefit my wife.
The fact of the matter is that if that were my motive, then I would be failing miserably.
Why? All the time and money spent building and posting on this site would be better spent using other methods.
My motivation has always been to provide an online community for nail technicians to learn, share, and grow. If you feel that my motives are not so pure... whelp, nada I can do about that so I dont think I will lose a great deal of sleep over it.
It is odd that you think that this is such a product driven site with sinister motives as virtually every single person has the same capabilities on this site as you or I do. Sure I am the Grand Master Geek and therefore I can practice some admin functions... but as you are reading this you can see how often I use those

If suddenly BrandX were to come on and start helping users you would suddenly claim that it was a brand X site?
I am now late so I must jet off. Ill pop in when I have some time.
All members, dont worry about NAG, there is little more anyone can do to him that he hasnt done himself. Personally I think hes just trying to get banned so that he can say that I banned him.
To NAG, all I can say is stop being so freaking angry and go get a life.
Toodles all.