I'm in a Price War with competition.


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This really grinds my gears! lol a close friend of mine asked how much for extensions I said £20 as she is a friend & she said oh well I'll let you know as so n so has started doing nails.......pretty much trying to see if she can get them done cheap well I saw a set so n so's friend had done awful! tips not sized correctly, halfway down the nail & think so n so has done same course......
Lots of price wars going on mainly tanning just now too!
I use premium products & will not lower my prices!
So I would advise you to put your prices up not down, as has been said already & targeting clients who have more money to play with so to speak :) I have done this and some think I am too cheap! lol xx
i always see girls people charging ridiculously cheap prices for treatments on sites i use like gumtree etc... ive been qualified for years and when i became mobile i decided to start my prices off low... but then i realised i was selling myself cheap... im proud of the work i do and deserve to make a healthy profit... this girl must be working at a loss once you subtract travel times/product costs etc... if anything, i think you need to up your prices and get yourself some decent clientele who appreciate quality... get some professional leaflets made, get a wee website (you can do your own one really cheaply on sites like moonfruit, mrsite and microsoft) and get a gallery of your work xxx
At that rate, she might be just starting off... of perhaps maybe using MMA? Otherwise, there is no way she can make any profit.

But anyways, do you really want those clients back? I mean, if they left you for cheap nails, that means that they're cheap too. They don't care about quality, they just care about quantity. They'll never be loyal, and they'll never be grateful of your work.

If I were you, I would stick to your price (even though that's quite cheap too), and think about why a client should go to you instead of her. What do you have to offer that she doesn't?

For example, there is a booth renter across the street from my salon who does nails for cheaper. I thought about lowering my price too, but instead I decided to offer something she doesn't, which is 3d art. Your crystal pedicure idea is great! You should try playing around with that to see how you can market it to your clients. Maybe do something like... "Get a full set and get ___% off Crystal Pedicure, the hottest new look for the summer!"
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If you can't be cheaper than the competition, be better! Emphasise your professionalism and quality. If you are a member of any trade organisations, mention that too.

Good luck!
Again, as has been said so many times on this thread...she won't be in business for long if she keeps on charging those kinds of prices.

I had a similar experience last night at a pamper evening. I chose to do Shellac and Minx Nails, but at 25% off my usual prices, the other beauty therapist was knocking treatments out at £5 a throw! OK, she was very busy ALL evening, BUT even though I did less, I earned more and had more of a chance to schmooze with people, chatting a giving out leaflets and price lists and getting future bookings all priced at 100%. This girl is going to get very bored of working for next to nothing.

I am not sure which brand you are using, but is there anything about it that would make it more beneficial for them (rather than the bog standard stuff someone could buy from Sally?) Can it be used as a selling point?

Personally I'd rather pay someone not to do my nails for a tenner, I'd be really suspicious!!:lol::lol:
Yeah it definitely won't be long til she increases her prices. If people see a low price they wonder why it's so low so yes everyone is right by saying increase your prices but if your local salons only charge £22 - £25 then if you increase them to £30 you will out price yourself. Concentrate on quality not entering into a price war.
How about going along & getting her to do your nails for £10 to see what your competitor does.

Then you will be able to see where you need to adjust or change your treatment or approach .
ie. I have been known to not eat at a restaurant because the toilets were filthy.

It is good to sit in the chair your client would be sat in & see it from their angle.

Maybe they would like to have their nails done while watching their favourite program.
I give my clients the remote & they often like to book when something they like is on , Loose Women was always a popular one.
Dany,how are you doing hun? Is she available for £10 or?:)

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