just had to share


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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2006
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Hi geeks!!Hope ur all havin a good day!
I am just wondering whether to laugh or cry really and thought u would all relate to me-possibly!
I was doin my MIL's nails last night-in a terrible state again-halfway thru me doing them she said "Do u want me to give u any money towards your products?" to which i was totally shocked but managed to say "yeah I'd b really greatful for any donations!" then she said-"Oh, ok will a fiver b alright?"......
I had to stop myself laughing!!!A fiver!!!!!!Theres a pricelist on the wall in front of her clearly stating i charge £25 for a rebalance!!!!
So i told my partner after she'd gone-and how i'd thought it was funny her saying a fiver!!!And he said she was only saying do i want any money so that i could say no its ok i dont want any money!!!!Lol
So in fact she was probly quite gutted that she's gonna have to pay ANYTHING for them for now on!But i was more sorta hoping any donation would b more in the region of a tenner-which at least would b almost worth taking 3hrs to do a rebalance for her because she has mullered them all again!But hey ho!Never mind!!!
Do u think i'm being greedy?!
I'm not angry or anything but it just made me wonder why she even bothered offering if she really don't think they r worth the money?!
right i'm gonna shuttup now coz she just brought round a tenner for me and said thankyou so much and she thought i deserved it for takin so long over them!woo hoo!I feel appreciated again now!
And good news-i used her for my 1st live sculpting practice coz she'd snapped one of her nails off quite badly a few weeks ago and i made her wait a while so it could have chance to heal-with lashings of solar oil-and i thought i'd sculpt it instead of having to blend in a new tip-it is absolutely perfect-adn she's told me its her favourite nail!have taken some pics and will upload later:green:
Not at all,hun,i charge family members half price,and services uder £10.00 full price.You are a professional and should be treated as such,don't let peeps take advantage of you hun xxx

opps i,m too slow again lol
Never give services away for free as people won't appreciate them.

In fact, my sculpting 'guinea pigs' of this week are paying 10$ each for their 'test-sets'. To cover products at the least.

However, I see no harm if in offering family members/close friends rebates WITHIN REASON. If they start wanting all kinds of bells and whistles and free 3d art... UMMMMMMMMMMM NO! lol.
As long as they pay a bit, they're more appreciative. When they don't, they bang'em up terriblyi and expect more freebies.
Cost's you too much.
UNLESS you want to do a services exchange.

My gf's daughter likes to have her nails done. I offered her an exchange of babysitting/mother's-helper hours vs nails services.
For every 8hrs, it's 25$. She can bank her $ and use them for services of her choice.

Another friend, during last school year, I exchanged nail services for driving my daughter to and from pre-school during the school year.

HOWEVER, when doing exchanges, be specific as to how much of their time for how much of yours, know what I mean?

I learned with my chauffeur for my daughter: I should have been more specific about how many services per mth as she's a biter and was ravaging them terribly and wanting me fixing them every week:rolleyes:
Took a loss there, but learned my lesson.

I can really relate to this thread, I do a couple of family members nails & apart from my mum they all either want freebies, big discounts (make me feel gulity if I don't), or don't even offer to pay. My mums fab but at the weekend my cousin came round with her youngest, they now live in America so bobbed round, ended up doing her a full pedicure & shape of enhancements she'd had done before she came as they were to wide. Did she offer to pay..... NO.:irked: (My mum gave me a little towards cousins treatment, when she had hers' done 2 days later, but its not her place). Was supposed to be doing my gran's nails as well that day, but ended up doing them the following day I felt awful. Most expect freebies or discounts cause they're friends or family but you can only do so many before its costing me to replace products. I know I should be firm but its hard as I don't want to charge them as much as others as they're closer to me, if you get me? So frustrating. Makes it hard as well as one pays one price & others another, so gets confusing!!! :eek::eek: Another friend wants me to do nail/beauty treatments in exchange for driving lessons, which yeh is ok but I still have to replace products i'm using. Why can't people just do things without having to have something in return, I'm soooooo not like that. It drives hubby mad, as I always put myself out for others but rarely get it in return, but couldn't be any other way!!!
It's for this reason that I never offer to do friends or family. I feel just as alful for asking/taking money. The only lady I do freebies for is my mum.
Glad alot of u share my little peeves!Not fun feeling so unappreciated is it!I was happy with my £10 tho!I know it was all from the goodness of her heart and i know she appreciates them more for it now!
Thanks for all the advice and support ppl-u truly are gems!:hug::green:
I give family and very close friends a big discount on services. Although I don't have an issue with this, I do have a problem with booking their appointments. Most of them book in for my most sought after time slots (they really can't come in at other times because of work schedules) and sometimes this means i end up having to refuse full paying customers. I can't not book in my friends/family but i also don't like saying no to someone who would be paying me much more for that same time slot. I only ever cancel a friend/family apointment if it means refusing a new client. Any ideas on how to deal with this type pf situation?
I think maybe she has taken you for granted. I know when I start doing nails I will give my family members a CLOSE friends a 50% discount. Everyone else will have to pay full price.

Whether you are related to someone or not you should not be taken advantage of. You are a professional and if you don't act like one then you may well get trodden on if you know what I mean.

Winky said:
I give family and very close friends a big discount on services. Although I don't have an issue with this, I do have a problem with booking their appointments. Most of them book in for my most sought after time slots (they really can't come in at other times because of work schedules) and sometimes this means i end up having to refuse full paying customers. I can't not book in my friends/family but i also don't like saying no to someone who would be paying me much more for that same time slot. I only ever cancel a friend/family apointment if it means refusing a new client. Any ideas on how to deal with this type pf situation?
Very simple if they want it cheap they come when you say so. If they want an appointment when you could be doing a full paying client then they pay full price.
beautynails said:
Very simple if they want it cheap they come when you say so. If they want an appointment when you could be doing a full paying client then they pay full price.


My friends/family that get deals often get moved for full-price paying clients or newbies. If they dont like it, go elsewhere and pay more.
End of story.
I have a living to make, bills to pay. If they can't appreciate that, then too bad. Their loss, they just wont get nice nails at a great price anymore.
Very simple.

If they want them bad enough, they'll take whatever slot you can give them and be happy with it.

when i started out i used to do my cuz nails for free. but now i ask for payment she refuses to pay. no matter how many times i asked for the money J$400 (service is usally J$1000) she does not pay. so i have decided not to do her anymore unless she pays me up front. she is such a mean person. loves freeness!!

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