Looking too young, bad for business?


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I have the opposite problem too :(

I remember when it was my 21st (I'm 26 now - birthday today actually! :) ) one of the young lads I worked with (16) asked me how old I was going to be and when I told him 21... he was like 'whaaat I thought you were going to say 30 or something" haha needless to say, yes I did chase him round the office lol didn't bother me too much as he was always a cheeky one haha.

But I think I look much older than I am :( although, if I'm in my hoddy and jeans on a slobby day I ALWAYS get asked for ID!

Good job I look a bit older than my age and my partner looks a bit younger than his age as there's 17 years between us, it evens it out a bit so that I don't get asked if he os my Dad haha ;) xxx

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I didn't get into this myself until being an old bird, so cannot comment on what this is like for myself personally. But to answer the question as a client, I do not care how old you are, whether you are fat, thin, have long hair, short hair, spots or the skin of an angel. If you can do the treatment to a professional standard then I am happy and will return.
Working with the general public means that you will experience people from all walks of life and some will make a judgement based on your age, but that is true of any profession. Concentrate on how you feel about yourself and the standard of your work rather than how old you are and this will be reflected back to you from your clients. If it isn't, well then so be it, let it remain their issue and not yours.

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