I've tried mm 5 times now, 3 times with nail polish and twice with pigment, only 1 of the pigments was successful. The 1st polish went on ok but was slightly sheer and wrinkled afterwards so I thought next time I'll do thinner coats, 2 nails peeled after 2 days and a 3rd chipped. So 2nd try with polish I did about 5 layers starting off at 50:50 and adding more but it was still so sheer I had to put glitter over to hide it. 3rd try with polish I went for a dark navy which only took 3 layers but the 3rd layer with increased polish just felt like the polish was dragging and my topcoat is lumpy. The 1st set of pigments is my only success, full easy coverage in 2 layers and is still solid after 4 days. 2nd attempt at pigment was full of lumps. I desperately want it to work but I just can't get it right : (