Micro Ring Extensions - Worth doing?


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Jan 26, 2012
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I've recently been looking into doing Micro Ring ext's, a girl in my area charges £150 for a full head but I've seen price lists that reach way higher. I'm only from a small town so I'd charge about the same as her. I'm looking for a few tips really? Please :)

1. Is it worth getting trained first or should I practise first? (Seen quite a few tutorials on YouTube and it looks simple enough).
2. Where shall I get my hair from? It may sound naive but I've found some suppliers in China who offer 100% Human/Remy hair for cheap prices
3. Are there any other tips people can offer me?

I've recently quit my part time job as I absolutely hated it, I still attend college and I'm going to university in September which is why I want to start up a little earner on the side. I am already trained in Spray Tanning and that is taking off rather nicely.

Any advice you could all give me would be great.
A lot of the users were fabulous and extremely helpful when I was asking for Spray Tanning Advice.

Thank you :D
Hi there I'd train first as there is so much you won't learn on YouTube! Also would just search threads on here for hair suppers as that way you know they ate tried and tested. Do you really want to go down the cheap route? as it only leads to crap hair and sometimes huge problems hun, the kid of clients you want are the ones who will pay for decent hair and good install rather than the ones who want everything cheap who will then no doubt have the cheek to come and try and get a re-fund because 'youve done something wrong' xx
I've recently been looking into doing Micro Ring ext's, a girl in my area charges £150 for a full head but I've seen price lists that reach way higher. I'm only from a small town so I'd charge about the same as her. I'm looking for a few tips really? Please :)

1. Is it worth getting trained first or should I practise first? (Seen quite a few tutorials on YouTube and it looks simple enough).
2. Where shall I get my hair from? It may sound naive but I've found some suppliers in China who offer 100% Human/Remy hair for cheap prices
3. Are there any other tips people can offer me?

I've recently quit my part time job as I absolutely hated it, I still attend college and I'm going to university in September which is why I want to start up a little earner on the side. I am already trained in Spray Tanning and that is taking off rather nicely.

Any advice you could all give me would be great.
A lot of the users were fabulous and extremely helpful when I was asking for Spray Tanning Advice.

Thank you :D

Wow! I really don't know where to start this is wrong on so many levels. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but this kind of thinking simply cant be condoned in our industry and I hope you will take it to heart! First it's not "simple enough". The reason it looks simple is because these people are trained professionals (mostly). Second of all cheap Chinese hair from unknown Chinese suppliers? Then good luck to you! These type of businesses last for a short while but after a while you will either quit because you are getting the wrong type of clients, you're too burned out running all over the place for £40 profit, you get a bad reputation for cheap quality or you fail to get clients as this is a crowded sector and nothing sets you apart. Which businesses really thrive even in the recession? Those who move away from price and make customers think more about quality and such like Gucci. Then customers won't compare you to the £150 hair extensionist as they won't think there is a substitute for you (like Gucci).

Here is a tip and I hope you take it to heart. Just because one lady in your area is charging £150 then why try to compete and be cheap like that? Why not make a reputation for yourself by being a more premier service and offer better quality hair? Also to order hair from china is not a good idea for many reasons. It's hard to ensure quality is best and also lead times will be too long as it takes 2 weeks sometimes for hair to come from china. And before you do anything go and get qualified and then you will know what information and knowledge you are lacking and can continue learning more online and through practice. Thats my advice to you!
Wow! I really don't know where to start this is wrong on so many levels. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but this kind of thinking simply cant be condoned in our industry and I hope you will take it to heart! First it's not "simple enough". The reason it looks simple is because these people are trained professionals (mostly). Second of all cheap Chinese hair from unknown Chinese suppliers? Then good luck to you! These type of businesses last for a short while but after a while you will either quit because you are getting the wrong type of clients, you're too burned out running all over the place for £40 profit, you get a bad reputation for cheap quality or you fail to get clients as this is a crowded sector and nothing sets you apart. Which businesses really thrive even in the recession? Those who move away from price and make customers think more about quality and such like Gucci. Then customers won't compare you to the £150 hair extensionist as they won't think there is a substitute for you (like Gucci).

Here is a tip and I hope you take it to heart. Just because one lady in your area is charging £150 then why try to compete and be cheap like that? Why not make a reputation for yourself by being a more premier service and offer better quality hair? Also to order hair from china is not a good idea for many reasons. It's hard to ensure quality is best and also lead times will be too long as it takes 2 weeks sometimes for hair to come from china. And before you do anything go and get qualified and then you will know what information and knowledge you are lacking and can continue learning more online and through practice. Thats my advice to you!

Hi sorry to burst into this thread but I don't suppose you know if any quality russian/virgin euro hair suppliers? I currently use Indian remy but would like a premium?
Wow! I really don't know where to start this is wrong on so many levels. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but this kind of thinking simply cant be condoned in our industry and I hope you will take it to heart! First it's not "simple enough". The reason it looks simple is because these people are trained professionals (mostly). Second of all cheap Chinese hair from unknown Chinese suppliers? Then good luck to you! These type of businesses last for a short while but after a while you will either quit because you are getting the wrong type of clients, you're too burned out running all over the place for £40 profit, you get a bad reputation for cheap quality or you fail to get clients as this is a crowded sector and nothing sets you apart. Which businesses really thrive even in the recession? Those who move away from price and make customers think more about quality and such like Gucci. Then customers won't compare you to the £150 hair extensionist as they won't think there is a substitute for you (like Gucci).

Here is a tip and I hope you take it to heart. Just because one lady in your area is charging £150 then why try to compete and be cheap like that? Why not make a reputation for yourself by being a more premier service and offer better quality hair? Also to order hair from china is not a good idea for many reasons. It's hard to ensure quality is best and also lead times will be too long as it takes 2 weeks sometimes for hair to come from china. And before you do anything go and get qualified and then you will know what information and knowledge you are lacking and can continue learning more online and through practice. Thats my advice to you!

Hi, sorry I did find that a little rude. As I said I was only considering it, I know nothing about it, and I did state perhaps I was being naive - never the less, I do appreciate your advice.

I can't condone charging more than her as she has a huge clientel in my small town and it's not a very well off town either.. I'd need all the clients I could get, at least while I'm starting out.

I'm doing a sponsored degree in leadership and management in September so from them I probably wouldn't have the time for it anyway, it was just a thought.

Thanks. x
Im not trying to be rude as I said. This forum is for all opinions even if it's not always what you want to hear. This is just my advice from what I've learnt from years of doing it. I you're doing a business and management degree (which I also hold) I'm sure you will understand where I am coming from.
fully agree with the posts above im afraid - you dont want to put yourself on a level with the hair extension equivalent of primark. you know what i mean, you buy cheap, wear for a short time and it falls apart/doesnt wash well.... hair is the same, you get what you pay for.

I for one wouldnt bust a gut trying to keep up with £150 extensions, mainly because i wouldnt be making a profit!! Hair extensions are not an easy way to make money while you are studying, it takes practise and effort to become good at it, even though it looks easy x if you do the course, then all the best!!!!

Sounds like our locations are similar, there are girls doing £150 full heads in my town, but the hair is cheap, thin and matting, and guess who is getting calls to fix this and install another set? yup, me, and im much more expensive.

with regards to the european/russian supplier - try tasha jacks :) xxx

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