Our "12 Free tools" white paper is free, and I promise we won't be hounding you too much (we do get an email address / phone number, but it's not in anybodies interests to annoy you with stuff you don't want / wouldn't be interested in). All we really ask is that you pass it on if you find it useful
Just click the 'send me my free copy' button off the main page of our website:
Premier Salon Software | Spa, Beauty, Hair, Clinic Management Software
We've got info in there on things like Pinterest, Mailchimp, Instagram, Location services like Foursquare.. and a bunch of other things as well.
It's written by myself, and I've worked in this industry for well over a decade, so hopefully I've got a reasonable idea of what people would be interested in
Would love to know your thoughts and suggestions for when I do V2 of the document!