my poor puppy


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gona be slim geek
Mar 1, 2005
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stevenage herts
on saturday my hubby and me want shopping for a puppy and brought the cutist, most adorable puppy cavalier king charles, (pedigre) ive named him jack,
he is 11 weeks and we got him from a pet shop in enfield, we paid £799.00 for him, anyway, i had to take him to the vet for his second vaccination as the shop only did the first, boy was i in for a shock, the poor thing has a hernia, and a testicle that hasnt droped, he was also being fed on adult dog biscuits in the pet shop and that has caused an infection in his bowel, bless him he is really going through it, i have had a vet bill of £83 ( pluss the £35 for the vaccine) because he needed to go to the veets again and has had to have checks and antibiotics, and now he has had to be put on a dry food only diet, he is so sweet that i wouldnt even concider taking him back and asking for a refund but when i phoned the pet shop to let them know he had a problem as i thought it was something they could keep in mind for the future they didnt want to know, :mad: , im realy mifed at the pet shop but more concerned for jack, he has now got to undergo surgery for the hernia and testicle,
sorry im just haveing a rant................:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Thats why you should always, always buy from a breeder where you can see mum and dad and all the brothers and sisters!! I would never even consider buying any animal from a pet shop, they should be banned!!


Hope you puppy is better soon xxx
yep, i definetly got caught out there, never will i ever get another from a pet shop, i was going to go to a breederbut saw jack and fell in love streight away, im sure with all the love cuddles and fusses me hubby and the kids are showering him with he will be fine i just feel so sorry for him haveing to have an op and antibiotic jabs, i will post some pics of him on here soon when i can work out how to do it
Avs said:
Thats why you should always, always buy from a breeder where you can see mum and dad and all the brothers and sisters!! I would never even consider buying any animal from a pet shop, they should be banned!!


Hope you puppy is better soon xxx

Having said that we bought our alleged 'lhasa apso' from a breeder where we saw mum, dad, aunt and grannie etc and Im sure we were mugged too!! now she is fully grown she is tiny compared to other Lhasa's and her fur is different, all wirey not soft. Think we were given the runt of the litter! our fault really as she was the last one left so nothing to compare her to....

she is the sweetest little thing though, and I never once have heard her growl (previous dog bit my daughter and had to go) so that is worth a lot even if she is a runt, she's a cute runt lol
I totally agree with Avs, poor dog. Dogs need human and animal stimulation at that age not to be locked in a cage 24 hours of the day.
At least he's in good hands now.
Hi Tracy

Just wanted to say that after this bad start for your pup, get insurance and quick!! I own 2 Cavaliers and the breed has lots of problems its because they are so over breed, dont get me wrong i absolutly adore my 2 and wont have any other dogs now, It took me 6mths before i found a reputable breeder, and believe me i searched. I couldnt believe how hard it was to get a decent pup, i really saw some sights and how breeders just see them as money!! Let us know how your pup gets on, and i do hope it gets better from now on. If you need to know anything about the Breed your not sure of please PM me, i will try to help!! All the best Heather x
Think we were given the runt of the litter! our fault really as she was the last one left so nothing to compare her to....

You will find the runt off the pack will turn out to be the best pet you will ever have
My Mum brought a male chihuahua when he was about 8 weeks old, and she chose him out all the pups as she felt he needed her more than the other's pups well he was apart off our family for 15 years and i miss him terriable (he died 3 years ago) i was 7 when we got him.Three years before he died my mum got another male one who was also the runt of the pack. But my mum has to pick the runt as she feels it will have a better life if her if she take's them.
Im the same i have a female one but to me they are my life i would die to protect them (sad you may think, but i getting myself upset thinking about it)
my husnabd bought toddy our westie when he was 8 weeks old from a farm, which later appeared on watchdog as the breeder was rearing them in awful conditions.
we were tempted to go back and buy them all,
he had terrible skin from being brought up on hay which was riddled with wee and all sorts,
and we didnt get any papers for him..............which didnt ring any alarm bells as we just trusted who we are buying from. he had terrible tummy problems he was weened by the man on chicken wings (raw) and tripe
he is now nearly 3 still has a sensitive tummy but he is a little love, breaks my heart for the other puppies left behind.
Think of it as rescuing him from the pet shop, he's got a good home with you.
As Heather said, get insurance. We always adopt our doggies from Dogs Trust & touch wood have never had any problems, the vets there do a great job, the only thing was that our last one was "really lean" but very healthy.
Good luck to Jack with his op, he'll be fine!

I would seriously consider getting intouch with the RSPCA about this pet shop, as they are obviously not bothered about the conditions in which the animals are kept in, My patterdale was bought from a puppy farm(didnt know when i rang) and when she went for her first check she had mites, an eye infection, terrible worms, and the conditions were appalling, needless to say i couldnt leave her there!!! I called the RSPCA and he is still banned now from having animals!
As for the testical thing my chihuaha has just be casturated and he is 11months old and his testicals(both) were very high up, which I was told is quite rare, so the operation was a little more tricky but he is fine now.
I would def get a good insurance on him, I have chose PET PLAN, a little more expensive but if something crops up while you are insured with them they will pay for treatment on an ongoing condition for the life of the dog whereas others only pay for the year, then you have probs getting insurance again. Best of luck though, at least your baby is in the best of hands now.
i have sent the form off for insurance with pet plan as it was the one suggested by the vet,

jack has got another appointment with the vet monday to make sure the antibiotics are doing there job, i have changed his food fron the stuff the shop was giveing him to hills science plan puppy food and already i can see him improveing,
he is sitting in his basket by my feet at the moment chewing away on a teething stick and looks like butter wouldnt melt, with them big brown eyes and floppy ears he knows how to get his own way lol,
i will be ringing the rspca at some point as i really dont think the shop are taking serious just how sick jack was, they had loads of puppies and there must have been others with problems,

I think Jack's very lucky you found him.

Sounds like he's being looked after just right.xoxox
My G-shepard Jackson had a hernia.
At the same time we had it removed we had him desexed also.

Nearly 7 yrs later...... One happy - healthy - BIG DOG!!... lol

Mwah Jack xoxoxoxoxox
joannerowsell said:
my husnabd bought toddy our westie when he was 8 weeks old from a farm, he is now nearly 3 still has a sensitive tummy but he is a little love,.
Do you give your dog milk? I used to give my old westie milk and gave in irritable bowel syndrom the vet said milk is not in a dogs diet ! he is now 6ft under in the back garden (the dog not the vet) the milk didn't kil him cancer of the lung did. age 14

we waited a year but I couldn't be without a dog so I bought another westie 8 wks old from breeder saw him at 6 wks and went back for him he is now 2 years. He had bowel infection and had trots all over the place blood in it too. (sorry) He also had op for hernia after he was castrated because the tube the testies come down through did not shrink up like it should. He was 18months then.
I think all animals will cost lots and have a problem some time or another we should be prepared for them no one I know has had a dog with no problems, mind you I dont know a human with out a problem either lol.

I do hope your have lots of fun with your new pup and that he gets better soon !! lick lick and woof woof
from one doggy lover to another.
i wont allow him to have anything other than water (although he goes nuts if he smells tea) i know all dogs have problems but i didnt expect to buy a pupy with these problems, due to the bowel infection jack was passing a LOT of fresh blood but he seems a lot beter today, fingers crossed the antibiotics are working
Hi Tracey!

I do hope your poor little puppy gets well soon!

Sound's like this poor little thing was more of a stock item to the shop owner!
You have probably been this poor dogs Saviour!

I too bought a puppy on Saturday, my partner has been looking for months, it has only took me about ten year to convince him to get a dog Lol.

This is my 11 Wk old Pedigre Springer Spaniel WOODY!( 1 day old to us here)
Dont you just love him, love him, love him?

Luv 'n' hugs
oowwwww, hes adorable,

it took me 2 years to convince my hubby to get a puppy, but he is totly mad about jack now just like i said he would be lol, if i leave the room for 2 min i come back to find jack fast asleep in his arms, :D ,
Aww!! Christi your pup is booooooooootiful!!!!! I just want to squeeze him!!!

As you Jack, get well soon young man!!! Poor little guy!! I'm sure lots of love and cuddles will help him to get on the mend too!!

Good luck with him and I would also contact the RSPCA if it was me!!

Best wishes!

Tilly xx
Oh bless him,

Have you thought about contacting the RSPCA about the pet shop that you brought him from? I'm sure that they would be interested in that place.

Our dogs have been insured by Pet Plan and they have always been A1.

We have got a Rotti-Doberman cross at the moment who is a rescue form Ireland. He was very skinny when we got him and had a few problems to say the least but Pet plan have paid for all the treatment.

One thing I have learnt about animals all they want is LOVE and I'm sure that everyone who has pets spoils thiers. I know we do!!

Please keep us up to date on how the littel fella is doing.
National RSPCA number 08705555999. They will go and investigate and maybe stop this from happening again.
MMMM Let me guess, the pet shop in question is Jolly's. Sorry hun big mistake....... It's great for pet supplies but they are totally rubbish for their animals.

I too was taken in by a beautiful staffie pup from there, it had the same birthday as me and seemed like fate. So that was it before I knew it we were on our way home with her. I booked into the vets the next morning, at the vet check the vet said the puppy had such a overshot bottom jaw that it would need lots of surgery and dental work. I contacted the shop and they told us to bring it back, but still sold it on to someone else.

We have 3 staffies now and i would not change them for the world, but we did breed 2 of them ourselves, and bought the 1st one from a breeder.

I hope your little bundle makes a speedy recovery and you have many happy times together.

Next time you should come to geek world and ask us, we are here for you.
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