Need some gel advice


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May 6, 2016
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Educated me earlier this year, but has not been working so much with nails after that. Therefore, I decided to practice a bit on myself. I'm unsure of the thickness of the gel, is this an fine thickness? I have a naturally high arch on my natural nails, and therefore I'm unsure how to build an nice arch without to look bulky. You see one of my finger with no gel. What do you think?;)

(I have not glossed 2 of the nails on the picture, and on my little finger I was trying stilettos, before I filed to ballerina:D)
Hiya, to me they are too thick on the free edge, should be about 1 credit card thickness, and 2 for your apex, that is what I always aim for, and was taught, and I also think they look a bit thick round the cuticle area too, should flow nicely like a natural nail, not have a hump, I have a natural high arch on my nails too and a deep C-curve, but I find if I stick to the above rule for myself they look fine, I'd also thin out the sidewalls otherwise they look bulky, can lift
Thank you for your advice, Sara- Jane! I try filing them little more thinner at the free edge and more around the cuticle area:) And that creditcard tip was great, thanks! They look much better now:D
Your nails have a beautiful natural arch dont they. Have you tried doing a nno and growing them that way and just infilling?
I really want, but have big problem to do the other hand on myselfo_O I'm the only one that doing nails at the salon.
Det er vanskelig å lage de kjempe tynne, ettersom kundene ofte tenker at de skal vare i evigheter og kunne brukes til alt :-X Hvilket merke bruker du? Jeg synes disse var kjempe fine barr litt mer filing i front og en del bak ved neglebåndene så er de der! Super heldig med curven din.
Det er sant. Jeg lagde de noen ganger for tynne på kurset og fikk beskjed om å lage de litt tykkere, derfor blir jeg usikker. Jeg filte mine litt tynnere nå og mer bak. Kunne absolutt ikke file noe mer bak, da jeg så at eg begynte å komme på naturneglen. Jeg bruker CND Brisa.

Nå er de perfekte! Du er flink. Skal ofte ikke så mye til før det sitter.
Jeg spør alltid kundene litt om hva de driver med, så lager jeg neglen litt etter hva slags yrke de har. Det pleier å funke.
Lykke til!

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