It seems that there are definitely 2 separate camps here!
I suppose unless you have been on both sides of the fence, it's hard to understand both sides.
I'm a salon owner and I wouldn't want any staff doing mobile either. Close family and friends is ok but not doing mobile on the side.
I have built my salon up from scratch, I am the one that takes all the risks, I am the one that pays all the bills, I am the one that advertises, sorts licences out, has sleepless nights, does all the ordering, goes to the wholesalers, sorts things out on my days off and can never fully switch off.
I know no-one is going to put more into my business than me.
I'm sure every salon owner will agree that the biggest nightmare with running a salon is staff!
I've had people steal from me and people who think that they can do what they like.
In any other place of employment you abide by the rules and you have a contract that you sign. If you don't like the contract or don't agree with it then don't work there!
Most employer's policies will have a clause about holding outside employment whatever industry it is. It's all very well saying 'you can't tell me what to do outside my working hours', but in actual fact, if your contract states a certain clause saying you can't do certain things, then you can't.
If you were a school teacher by day and a lapdancer by night, I think the school would definitely have something to say about it and you would most definitely lose your job. What you do outside your working hours can still affect your employment.
I know lots of hairdressers who want to own their own salon someday. Most of them won't though. It's bloody hard work and costs a lot of money. Unless you are actually in that situation then you can't fully understand it.
Most salon owners who appear tough are usually that way because they have had years of dealing with staff who think the world owes them a favour, steal from them, phone in sick when they have a hangover and poach clients.
I'm not saying all staff are bad the same as not all salon owners are old battleaxes!
We are protecting our investment, our hard work and our livelihood. At the same time we are giving opportunities to staff and paying for them to get further trained. We pay for the training to help our salons progress. Why should we pay for you to be trained in certain areas only for you to go and use that training to do your own clients?
Sometimes you just have to see things from the other side.
Gosh, I think I just went on a bit there-lol