Hello everyone
Wow what a contentious thread and over 1000 views and nearly 100 replies.
I have digested all of that has been written and as a salon owner:
I already have my small one which I have built up through solid HARD graft, having worked in many salons (NONE in the area and MOST in another country) I had to start up mobile here for 2 years then open a small salon.
I am now moving to a bigger premises hence seeking staff (I currently only have 1 member of staff in my small salon). I have tried renting chairs and it just leads to one headache after another.
Anyway, I digress. I put in about 60 hours a week, delivered over 15,000 leaflets MYSELF(mostly in freezing temperatures or rain) so really need this to work, oh and over the last year have NOT paid myself any salary.
Now reading this, I am hoping those that are lucky enough to have a full time stylist job will appreciate that I have to overcome Council Legislations, Insurances, Rates, Taxes, NI's, Rents, Advertising, Marketing, Research, Training.....Shall I go on? So to employ a stylist that lives a few roads away who offers mobile services, when I pay a decent rate, guarantee a job, pay commission on services and retail.....etc would be bloody ridiculous and fool hardy.
I have a regular client that often asks my Junior to do her hair at home, or let her know when she moves salons, cos she wants it to be cheaper and my Junior has never taken her up on it but told me about it, last week I overheard the client ask again and am tempted to ask her not to return as I do her hair, come in 'specially for her occasionally all for it to be thrown in my face BUT I work so hard keeping my salon alive I cannot afford to pick and choose.
SO, after all of your reports, and yes it is so obvious who owns salons and who doesnt, I am going to stick to my guns and play hardball and NOT allow mobile work.
I have NEVER been allowed to work outside of the salon I worked at, not have I wanted to. Yes I have done friends and family but its invariably for free, a favour or a bottle of wine. Monetary wise, nope, I would rather they came into wherever I worked, brightened up my day with some friendly banter and helped me keep a job where I am reputable and supported.
Hmmmmm, lets see who shouts back at this one.
Meanwhile thank you everyone.....I know one of you said it was no help to the original poster and someone agreed, you are right, it did all go off track but has made me see things for how they really are