Hi guys, I'm a mobile hairdresser, I've just been round to a new clients house for consultation and skin test, as I was looking through her hair, the scalp was very flakey in some areas, and then I found some nit eggs, there not overly close to the scalp but Im thinking they were defiantly eggs as the were completely stuck to the hair shaft. It Said to go and buy some treatment from chemist, then do the whole procedure again with conditioner to get any last lingering ones, she wants her colour done on Wednesday evening, I said it may be possible as there wasn't that many, since I got home I'm thinking that maybe that is to soon, will the treatment make her scalp sensitive? Will one treatment be enough to rid of them? I'm also worried that she might done whole procedure properly as she acted like she had never heard of them before?:s
Now I feel all itchy! Lol
Now I feel all itchy! Lol