Poor cuticles not enough time.


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Geeg, sorry for that. I don't do any thing other than natural nails and find there are so many types and names out there so I just put that in meaning all types. S.
Geeg, sorry for that. I don't do any thing other than natural nails and find there are so many types and names out there so I just put that in meaning all types. S.
Hey, no problem. All my posts are general to get my point across. I am a proud person and proud of what I do and that what I do always has the healh of the natural nail uppermost in mind and that most of the nails I do look entirely natural and never fake. I loath the fake porn star nail look. :hug:
Geeg - the solar oil poster you did makes some people's natural nails look fake!!!! ( sounds not quite right but you know what I mean I hope lol ) That is certainly something to aspire to create as a trainee tech I can say ( it is what I aspire to do in a few years :) )
When you are all talking about 'cuticles' you're not talking about the living skin of the eponychium?

The cuticle is the dead skin that is on the nail plate. The eponychium can often be very large and unsightly and this will take time to shrink once it has been lifted from the cuticle and nail plate.

In answer to the first question, what to do about this is all down to the consultation. I don't believe in a 'set' manicure procedure. it should be more about discussing what is possible in the time you have (i.e. 30mins, 45mins etc) and discovering what is more important to the individual client. Then education about what you are doing and what is needed next
Of course you are right 'mum', I did explain what was achievable in the available time so she knew what to expect. I felt more like I had let myself down as they weren't as good as I knew they could have been with more time. I am fairly new to nails so am lacking in confidence at times and unsure of what is the correct protocol for new situations that I come across. I have already contacted my CND Trainer today to arrange further training. As already discussed recently on another thread I would love a one or two week course purely on the art of manicures but there doesn't seem to be anything like this available. :cry:
Of course you are right 'mum', I did explain what was achievable in the available time so she knew what to expect. I felt more like I had let myself down as they weren't as good as I knew they could have been with more time. I am fairly new to nails so am lacking in confidence at times and unsure of what is the correct protocol for new situations that I come across. I have already contacted my CND Trainer today to arrange further training. As already discussed recently on another thread I would love a one or two week course purely on the art of manicures but there doesn't seem to be anything like this available. :cry:

How lovely to hear!!! The true care of the natural nail and all the issues around this is far more involved than enhancements! I think it is such a shame that this aspect isn't concentrated on before enhancements are learnt.

I believe a nail professional should be just that: a professional. This needs such an in depth knowledge on the 'nail unit' and what effects it first. I definitely recommend that every professional should read Doug Schoon's book (Nail Structure and Product Chemistry). It provides this understanding.

Then you are in a position to be confident in what you advise your client! Remember, YOU are the professional and that is why clients come to you! Just make sure you can fulfil this role
When you are all talking about 'cuticles' you're not talking about the living skin of the eponychium?

The cuticle is the dead skin that is on the nail plate. The eponychium can often be very large and unsightly and this will take time to shrink once it has been lifted from the cuticle and nail plate.

Thank you Mum. I find that bit of information really interesting. Is it possible to know how long before the eponychium is likely to return to looking neat and tidy also how best to explain this to Clients. I have a client who really likes it when she goes somewhere and they trim the eponychium and gets quite annoyed when I don't. The last time they also trimmed the side walls she says she loves the look.

Moo Moo
Thank you 'mum', I really appreciate your replies. I do have Doug Schoon's book along with yours and Gigi's. I have dipped in and out of all of them but you have reminded me that I need to read and digest them from front to back. I am always reading nail magazines, internet articles, surfing salon geek e.t.c. and in fact I drive my husband insane with it all but I wish I had more models to practise (or should I say improve my skills on) in between clients. That is my main problem with training in that it is always tough to find models. BUT I love everything about nail services and will do what it takes to become a true professional :)
When you are all talking about 'cuticles' you're not talking about the living skin of the eponychium?

The cuticle is the dead skin that is on the nail plate. The eponychium can often be very large and unsightly and this will take time to shrink once it has been lifted from the cuticle and nail plate.

In answer to the first question, what to do about this is all down to the consultation. I don't believe in a 'set' manicure procedure. it should be more about discussing what is possible in the time you have (i.e. 30mins, 45mins etc) and discovering what is more important to the individual client. Then education about what you are doing and what is needed next

I have a hairdressing client who has had her eponychium cut back in the past (they are attached to about 1/3 of the nail plate) when she has had manicures before, & then got really bad infections & swelling because of it.
I have explained to her that she/others should not cut the eponychium off as this is there to protect the Matrix from getting infected. Also that by cutting the eponychium it is likely to come back worse as scar tissue.
Is it ever likely with gentle care that the eponychium will EVER recede or will it always cover 1/3 of her nail plate?
The eponychium only gets like that because it sticks to the cuticle and that is stuck to the nail and the nail grows! It all gets pulled along. Those splits at the side of eponychium that some people get are there because the skin has been pulled so much it has split!

It will shrink if it is not stuck to the cuticle. This needs very good manicuring then daily massaging with oil
The eponychium only gets like that because it sticks to the cuticle and that is stuck to the nail and the nail grows! It all gets pulled along. Those splits at the side of eponychium that some people get are there because the skin has been pulled so much it has split!

It will shrink if it is not stuck to the cuticle. This needs very good manicuring then daily massaging with oil

Many thanks for that Mum.
Do you think because her's are now scar tissue, it will still shrink back?
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Uummm! Probably not as much as it would have done but it will definitely be a lot better!
Uummm! Probably not as much as it would have done but it will definitely be a lot better!

Thank you I shall pass that on to her. X

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