Quitting smoking and weight gain


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I gave up smoking 2 years ago. I weighed 7st 4lb and I'm just about 5' tall, as a smoker... I now weigh 8st 12lb. I think you have to remember that smoking speeds up your metabolism, so it slows when you quit.

Also every few years as you get older your body shape changes and you may put on weight also. I did have a real issue with this in the beginning as I'd never weighed what I do now.

I feel much healthier without the cigs and smell much fresher!!!

Try not to focus on weight issues as you'll end up just doing your own head in!!!!

Good luck on quitting, if I can do it anyone can. I used patches for a week then changed to a nicotine inhalator, I think the E cigs are similar.
I tried Champix last year. I felt nauseous after taking it, thought
I was going to throw up. You have to take LOTS of water with it, I mean lots. I think on a empty stomach, can't remember.

I think he is willing to put up with the sickness if it means managing his COPD :) he smoked 40 a day so gonna be hard but needs to be done x
Thanks for your replies very help ful, I just need to exercise more and keep eating healthy I guess!! Must get my e cig back from my sister lol xx
I stopped cold turkey 7 months ago now and never looked back.
I have gained about a stone though :( I'm pretty tall so I get away with it (5'7) but I want to get back down to 8st, would settle for 8.5.
I find I eat chocolate more, as I have a chocolate bar when before I would just have a smoke. I'd be so bored without eating and smoking though grrr

I'm exactly the same! Gave up last October and have put on about a stone.
The munchies have worn off now though. Finally!

To the op:
Lollipops really helped me to quit.
And Making healthier meals in a slow cooker stopped me snacking as dinner is ready as soon as I walk through the door so I have no need to snack on crisps & chocolate.
I gave up in April 2012 cold turkey and gained 1st 7lb then joined Weight Watchers in July 2012 and now it's gone with lots more! I would just concentrate on staying off the cigs and worry about the gain later! :) well done everyone for getting off them x
Haha I want to be back to that weight but I know I'm not over weight just don't feel comfortable! Yeah I've gone cold turkey I did when I quit for 2 months did the Paul McKenna cd lol.
Just as I'm only working part time can't afford fags and me and OH just got new apartment so he needs me to quit.
Just so hard when I enjoy smoking, I know I shouldn't! It's scary that I'm worried about my weight rather than health but I won't go down my body issues that's another thread lol!

Thanks guys I'll try mints and patches anything to help xx


Please could you let me know what the Paul McKenna CD covers?

Thank you.


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