Hi all,
I am in need of some advice - I trained to do acrylic tips & sculptured about 6 years ago, worked on and off for a year and a half mobile then due to my serious lack of self confidence, I packed up! Still have major confidence issues, but I have since been to art college for two years and gained a good qualification. So I know I am able to learn and I am good at 'arty' things - plus all my customers were happy with their nails. SO - here's what I'm getting at - I am considering doing a refresher course in acrylics and starting doing nails again. Does the nervousness ever go away or do you have to just live with it? I think if I knew I would feel confident I would go back into nails as I enjoyed it. I think I need a mentor!! LOL. Thank You in advance.
I am in need of some advice - I trained to do acrylic tips & sculptured about 6 years ago, worked on and off for a year and a half mobile then due to my serious lack of self confidence, I packed up! Still have major confidence issues, but I have since been to art college for two years and gained a good qualification. So I know I am able to learn and I am good at 'arty' things - plus all my customers were happy with their nails. SO - here's what I'm getting at - I am considering doing a refresher course in acrylics and starting doing nails again. Does the nervousness ever go away or do you have to just live with it? I think if I knew I would feel confident I would go back into nails as I enjoyed it. I think I need a mentor!! LOL. Thank You in advance.