Hello Wax experts,
I have a male friend who agreed to let me wax his upper chest and back for my waxing case study recently. He usually uses cool wax strips from the pharmacy and reacts -rednesss, irritation, acne for days afterwards. He never had a professional wax. I used Hive warm honey wax and the Hive tea tree pre/post wax lotions which I got with my Hive waxing kit. He was rather pleased with the results- his skin was slightly red afterwards but settled down after a couple of hours. He had no irritation for about 2 weeks, then he had the acne appear. It may be folliculitis but settled down after a few days. He wants me to wax him again before he goes on holiday to the beach next week. What can I do to prevent this reaction? He seems sensitive, although he tolerated the Hive wax much better than the cool wax strips. Are there any specific wax products you would recommend I use on him? Is waxing contraindicated in his case? I would appreciate your advice.
thank you
I have a male friend who agreed to let me wax his upper chest and back for my waxing case study recently. He usually uses cool wax strips from the pharmacy and reacts -rednesss, irritation, acne for days afterwards. He never had a professional wax. I used Hive warm honey wax and the Hive tea tree pre/post wax lotions which I got with my Hive waxing kit. He was rather pleased with the results- his skin was slightly red afterwards but settled down after a couple of hours. He had no irritation for about 2 weeks, then he had the acne appear. It may be folliculitis but settled down after a few days. He wants me to wax him again before he goes on holiday to the beach next week. What can I do to prevent this reaction? He seems sensitive, although he tolerated the Hive wax much better than the cool wax strips. Are there any specific wax products you would recommend I use on him? Is waxing contraindicated in his case? I would appreciate your advice.
thank you