I am doing sw and am in my second week and starting to get to grips with it, however the two things that i am finding difficult are:
the cost- its costing me a fortune in ingredients to cook all the things from scratch
The constant cooking-i love cooking dont get me wrong, but it does get a little tiresome always having to be cooking my next meal etc and the fact that it isnt a 'grab and go' diet.
Does anyone else find the above to be the case?
For me it has quickly become apparent that planning is key!
Good luck all of you!
It's expensive at first but the ingredients can be brought cheap example to make meals you need chopped tomatoes, passata etc, they can be brought asda's own brand and still taste as good, the meat and fresh fruit/veg costs most, but buying the fruit and veg off your local market saves loads and can be frozen x