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Hairy- good luck. You will be fine.
I too had skin cancer 2 years ago, which from histology was put down to sunbed use. Mine was not excessive. Once a week about 6 mins.

It leaves a scar which reminds u for life your battle with a mutant called cancer, but a scar is better than not realising you have it.

Regardless of my cancer, my mom still uses sunbeds 2/3 times a week. She is obsessed with having a tan... So do friends.

I was talking about this to a friend last night!!

I literally can't believe anyone would use are sunbed. I have a lot of friends who use sunbeds regularly - one of them actually has hired one for a month. The bit that gets me is we all go for smears (if were over 25) we run to the doctors with a problem or the hospital if we feel it's more serious but will voluntarily climb into a machine that they very well know will boost their chances of cancer?

Fake it girls - my cousin has had skin cancer and its no laughing matter - people forget skin cancer can kill you. I don't have children yet but I plan on being around for my family for as long as I can - it's time to look after yourself !

** climbs off soapbox **

:) x
I'll never ever use a sunbed for the shear fact that my very close friend died when we were 18 years old from Skin Cancer. He had it on his shoulder and it spread. He never ever used sunbeds, but it still burns a hole in my heart and I still miss him loads. (this was 18years ago!).

I'd rather have the hassle of spray tan prep/aftercare anyday and know im not fast tracking to being with Chris. :(
Thankyou, im sure it will all be fine. Its just all the stuff they cram into your head about percentages of it coming back, cover up, dont do this dont do that and basically what it means in the long run. After meeting with my consultant I felt like I should go and buy myself a burka to cover up totally lol. But its ridiculous, she told me to go home and throw away all my strappy tops.
To top it all the salon where I rent a chair is going to be getting sunbeds in and AlthoughI would never judge anyone for using them Im not sure if I can carry on working there because of them. Daft I know but I just cant get my head around it.
I use sunbeds once a month for 12 minutes as this helps my eczema ( well I find it helps) also I do tan every easily so it give a me a wee colour to as I hate the way tan comes off no matter how much I moistures or exfoliate my skin it still comes off patching looking x
Im the same go on 10 to 12 minutes every month or 2 to clear up my skin... Was doctor reccomended as its very good for you! Also my other halfs sister has been told she needs them as she has a severe lack of vitamin e or something and literally passes out twice a day without them? No idea why?! X i think there bad in other countries when its constantly hot anyway as theyre then over doing it - dont think we have that problem in england lol
I was addicted from 16, I gradually built up from 2mins to 16 over 2 weeks i used them 5 days a week 16 mins each time for 3 years, I didn't really get any colour from them at all, but the warmth and light was very addictive, even while on holidays in sunny countries I would go on the sunbeds. So in glad I'm not the only person who was addicted.
Iv got a face sun lamp upstairs that I used when I was at home watching tv for about 3 hours a session and on the weekends. I realised I was using them too much when I bought a bedside table to be at the perfect height for the lamp to tan my face while I was sleeping. And that's when I realised I was over doing it.

Sun beds are no more dangerous than going outside on a nice day without any sun cream. So I don't see why so many are against them.
While on holiday I still have te hope I will catch a bit of sun by starting on factor 4 for a day, 2 for a day then a day of nothing and finally tanning oils. But I do think from now on I will use sun beds before I go so I can skip the sun creams and go straight on oil.
Can't believe people are still stupid enough to use sun beds. And smoke. And drink for that matter.
My husband is the worst for sunbeds!

He goes at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes a time, he's VERY brown & I'm quite pale, we look ever so odd walking down the street together lol

He's nearly 30 but looks really young for his age (im talking 18/19 yrs old which makes it look even more odd us walking down the street together LOL) I've told him he might look young now but he'll regret the sunbed abuse in a few more years when he is a wrinkly prune or when he's diagnosed with skin cancer. but he's a man & he doesn't listen so not really much I can do about it! I really hate him doing it though.

He had a sunbed card for a shop which only allows you 60 sessions per year, he had used the 60 sessions up so his card got retained & he borrowed my brothers, then moved onto another shop once my brothers got used up (shocking!)

Worst thing is i do spray tans for a living! I'd happily spray him but he says he prefers the beds. Anyone would think i did a dodgy tan lol (i dont btw!)

reading this thread has reminded me I'm going to have words with him in the morning & get him to tone it down a bit. the cancer word worrys me! x
I used to use them when I was younger so about 10 years ago maybe a bit less. I can't remember how often but for a few month maybe a few times a week. And now at age 22 I have skin cancer too. Its not malignant as its not from a mole it's a lesion that has formed and my doctor says its very rare in someone so young. I'm awaiting a biopsy but if it's the type he thinks it will be a case of removing it and that will be it. But it is still frightening. I might have still got it anyway without using the sun beds, you will never know.

I think to myself that people always think "oh that will never happen to me" and I think it's a shame that people are risking their life for vanity when there are good fake tans out there. I also think the fact that I've had to wait 7 and a half weeks for just a biopsy is a bit of a joke as I wonder how many people are in front of me having moles removed but still
use the beds.

I just feel that if it does happen to someone that they do end up dying from skin cancer, will they look back and think ah well at least I was always tanned so I don't mind.
Can't believe people are still stupid enough to use sun beds. And smoke. And drink for that matter.

That a bit harsh, there isn't actually proof sunbeds are bad, just belief, but being outside on a sunny day gives you just as much chance of problems. Is it stupid to tell someone with a awful acne problem to pop on once a month to help them? A acquaintance of mine had horrendous acne on his face, they were sore would bleed and sometimes sleeping on his side would cause them to pop, I suggested 2 mins a week for 4 weeks then just once a month after I help as he'd taken the pills, used every cream, body wash home remedy going and nothing. 3 weeks later almost all had gone and he was a changed person, his confidence was the best change of all.

And I'm sorry, but if people want to drink they can, and I think you might just be boring. Xoxo
I smoke, eat too much chocolate and I use sun beds and have recently come back from 2 weeks in Egypt where I used tanning oil everyday (got a lush tan now)
The way I look at it is you're a long time dead
I have only used sun bed 3-4 time when I was about 18 got pretty severe prickly heat after 3 minutes and I actual don't tan any way so I gave up trying to get a real tan a long time ago ,i do spray tanning now but onlt spray my self once a fortnight :-D

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That a bit harsh, there isn't actually proof sunbeds are bad, just belief, but being outside on a sunny day gives you just as much chance of problems. Is it stupid to tell someone with a awful acne problem to pop on once a month to help them? A acquaintance of mine had horrendous acne on his face, they were sore would bleed and sometimes sleeping on his side would cause them to pop, I suggested 2 mins a week for 4 weeks then just once a month after I help as he'd taken the pills, used every cream, body wash home remedy going and nothing. 3 weeks later almost all had gone and he was a changed person, his confidence was the best change of all.

And I'm sorry, but if people want to drink they can, and I think you might just be boring. Xoxo

Lol, I'm not boring, it's a joke. I drink like the best of them. :D

Regarding sunbeds, I just don't want to die of cancer like a few of my family members did. And it's PROVEN that too much exposure to uv heightens your risk of cancer. You can't fight facts! ;)

If its boring to avoid things that might give you cancer, then I'm a big ol' pot of banality.
My OH supplies and repairs sunbeds so u would think I would b on one constantly but I am alabaster white! The only time I ever go near one is when my skin has a bad breakout and that's 3 times a year! I do find it helps!
Lol, I'm not boring, it's a joke. I drink like the best of them. :D

Regarding sunbeds, I just don't want to die of cancer like a few of my family members did. And it's PROVEN that too much exposure to uv heightens your risk of cancer. You can't fight facts! ;)

If its boring to avoid things that might give you cancer, then I'm a big ol' pot of banality.

Yeah I don't dispute skin cancer is heightened by exposure to uv rays, but hey, there's uv rays in natural daylight.
Almost anything these days gives you cancer, remember Russell Howard doing a song about it? Having kids gives you cancer not having kids gives you cancer, too much oxygen gives you cancer, chips, potatoes, carrots, basically all veg, going out, staying in, watching tv, not watching tv.... Etc....
The list was huge... And his point was? So many people say do this and you WILL get cancer that now you can't even live because you WILL get cancer basically. So please, while your spouting that it's PROVEN... Get facts correct in as much as walking outside does just te same as a sunbed. Xoxo
I sunbed about once every 2 weeks. Go on for 12 minutes which I think is plenty, If I feel brown enough I'll miss one for another couple weeks z
I use them for a few weeks before a holiday & then a few weeks after my holiday! Love having a tan, it makes me feel 100% better about myself. Each to their own I say & don't judge. As said above these days they say everything gives you cancer! Everything in moderation?? That's just my opinion x
So please, while your spouting that it's PROVEN... Get facts correct in as much as walking outside does just te same as a sunbed. Xoxo

Well.... 'walking around outside' is really not the same as using sunbeds. Unless you are walking around under a big magnifying glass that concentrates the uv light onto your skin. So please, get your facts right.
Have been doing some research into this, here is a fact, whether you want to use sunbeds or not, it is all down to personal opinion, but I wonder how many people have taken on their opinion due to the media scaring them into it? I remember the media coming out with the contraceptive pill increases your chance of getting breast cancer, using an aerosol deodrant can cause cancer. If you read what is actually written, nothing actually causes it, if you are going to have will happen, doing all the 'wrong' things just "increases the risk", but we have to be told this now due to how the world is with people sueing each other. My mums best friend died from cancer but never smoked, drank, sat in the sun, she ate healthily (everything in moderation) walked to places rather than jumping in the car and it still got her. My uncle, at the age of 45 now has been smoking like a chimney since the mere age of 9, he has been diagnosed with terminal cancer (brain tumor) not lungs as you would probably expect. And I know elderly women and men that have been doing all the 'wrong' things their whole lives, glass of sherry everyday, smoking, greasy fry up for breakfast each morning, out in the garden doing the gardening all day with no suncream on, etc and they are still alive and kicking with no health problems.

"Some people are more at risk than others. Heredity plays a major role. If your mother, father, siblings, or children (first-degree relatives) have had a melanoma, you are part of a melanoma-prone family. Each person with a first-degree relative diagnosed with melanoma has a 50 percent greater chance of developing the disease than members of the general public who do not have a family history of the disease. If the cancer occurred in a grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew (second-degree relatives), there is still an increase in risk compared to the general population, though it is not as great.
There is no difference between natural sunlight and sunbeds; tanning salon sunbeds produce the same UV light as the sun.
Research has shown that in countries with the most annual sunshine, there are the fewest cases of Colon, Prostate and Breast Cancer - thus refuting the link between UV light and Cancer conveyed by the media.
Scientific studies suggest that drinking red wine or other alcoholic beverages carries a greater cancer risk than tanning.
Tanning salon sunbeds have been categorised as "Group 1" - other things included in this category include red wine, salted fish and regular sunlight as well as mustard gas and arsenic. To say that a glass of red wine is as deadly as mustard gas is ridiculous, as is the comparison of sunbeds to such toxins.
Sunbed use in itself has a number of health benefits. It is overexposure to UV light that causes health risks."

Get my drift?

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